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The Golden Hat

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Everything posted by The Golden Hat

  1. Regardless, fuck Herbstreit.
  2. From a Tiger in the family
  3. This is wonderful. Just wonderful
  4. That return was fucking awesome
  5. Get the fuck out of here with that shit
  6. What the fuck is Sterns doing??
  7. Boise State orange uniforms looked great
  8. TEXAS CREATED THE FUCKING TERM. DBU. IT DOESN'T CHANGE HANDS Please share this info with your curly-headed brethren.
  9. If you're going to do it, at least do it well. These guys sound like they are posting from the computer lab at their junior high school
  10. This. We created the fucking term. If some inbred Louisiana rednecks don't like it, too fucking bad.
  11. People sure are excited about a cup. Where do I find that heather gray shirt Herman has been wearing?
  12. So, no good guys with guns?
  13. Thursday night matchup against.... Texas State aggy are fucking scrubs
  14. Pics of Karen?
  15. Fuck Herbstreit in the cesspool of his buckeye butthole
  16. It's football. Stop being such fucking pussies.
  17. I can't believe you guys continue to be surprised when you see aggy do/say something stupid. They've been doing it since the 1800's when they invented school.
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