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The Golden Hat

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Everything posted by The Golden Hat

  1. Didn't see this posted. A youth football league in Odessa is having kids (actual kids) sign letters of intent. https://www.wsj.com/articles/youth-football-league-encourages-clear-eyes-full-hearts-clear-signatures-11545082829
  2. Does that mean they will have more than just 2 commercials that repeat over and over again?
  3. I'm in for a free entry. If my picks start to look like they're working out, I'll send in $25 to collect my bounty. Thanks guys
  4. Good for him. Fuck 'em
  5. Tens of thousands of people are now calling for Judge Ralph Strother's resignation or removal after he accepted a plea deal that gave no jail time to a former Baylor University student who was accused of rape. https://www.thepetitionsite.com/652/219/940/request-the-resignation-of-judge-ralph-strother/
  6. Fuck him. One trivial question about the article: Should that not read "What ever happened to Craig James?" instead of "whatever"?
  7. I have that idiot on ignore for a reason. Please stop quoting him
  8. Yeah I've been there a handful of times. Always a great time
  9. Got my tickets in the mail yesterday. What's happening on New Year's Eve in New Orleans? I'll be arriving on the 30th
  10. Dude, it's Georgia. I'm not exactly sure where that is, but it's not an area that is known for wit and intellect.
  11. Tickets bought, hotel reserved. Three nights in New Orleans. It's on bitches
  12. Andrew Beck is first-team all conference huh? Okay then, good for him
  13. Hell I could have dropped that one, Beck
  14. Where can I buy one of these white/cream sweatshirts they are wearing on the sideline?
  15. This is what it all boils down to. Same thing with their high school aggy class rings
  16. I'm sure he's just waiting on the man. Drug dealers are unreliable as fuck
  17. This is gold. It must suck to be an aggie
  18. Actually yes I'm fine relaying that message. "There have been some rumblings in the fan base about how much Lowell sucks."
  19. I'll be at the game, hanging with some of the LHN staff. I'll be sure to let them know there are a couple of haters on the internet. But I'm likely going to be hammered-ass-drunk from tailgating all day, so no promises.
  20. Ehlinger is making some fucking great throws
  21. Kinda glad we don't have to listen to Gus Johnson yelling the whole game.
  22. "I'm not gonna lie" Every time I hear that I get punchy.
  23. What do these guys keep saying? Boog?
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