So she’s still going strong with the diet, down 22lbs. She’s been reducing the MLM stuff she buys since a lot of it you can find elsewhere cheaper… So this year she’s the volleyball booster president at daughters high school. Previous management did it for 8 years or so and didn’t really let anyone inside the operation (mostly because there were shananigans from what I saw looking at the books), so she’s been learning as she goes and doing a pretty good job. Needless to say, tons of deliveries to the house and all the empty boxes end up in the garage (nothing new about that). One of the first deliveries was shoes for the girls, I told her she needed to open them up and make sure they were what she ordered. Good thing, they were completely wrong. I told her she’ll need to do this with every delivery going forward because shit happens and after the shoes, she agreed. Fast forward to last night when she started going through stuff for the dig pink game tonight. Guess who has to run around town today to find stuff that she ordered and shows as delivered a few weeks ago…….