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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. Really? Exactly. I have seen so many trumptards in jacked up trucks making 150k a year thinking they’re on the verge of becoming billionaires. Funniest shit ever. But they’re definitely in full support my pursuit of a G6/megayacht so it’s hard to totally hate the fucktards.
  2. Am I actually enjoying this? I mean, sure it gets bad but fuck it…I’m definitely gonna enjoy this. Also there’s a bunch of badass Egyptians I’m meeting every day here whose lives may suck by our standards but they’re definitely not pouting. Fuck Sisi too…
  3. Yeah that’s true by the letter of the law but the amount of tax dodging in a mostly cash world would make today’s billionaires blush. edit: we are on the same page though
  4. As stated above, I’m in Egypt. I saw this multiple times and thought it was an AI generated image when you plug in Trump Presidency and Elon, but nope, it’s real. This SIM is cooking…
  5. Him and Elon are infuriating the base. It’s fucking great. Being in Egypt and hearing nothing of the dumb asshole is also great. Happy New Year, assholes (you guys, not Elon and Dotard)…
  6. He’s volatile to say the least. Him fucking with white trash is quite enjoyable. Again this whole group of dipshits can’t coordinate with eachother to get much of anything done, good or bad…
  7. Revise away. It’s still under 5%. The labor markets strength is a fiction? Yes maybe it’s not AS strong but it’s definitely strong. Also inflation is still running hot, there’s measures in play that slow job growth etc. Also when unemployment is so low there’s only so many damn jobs to add.
  8. Who cares? Look at unemployment. People who want jobs are still finding them. Edit: reminds me of when the auto industry started to automate large chunks of auto production. We were supposed to have 20% unemployment. Here we are... no matter what clown is running shit, we're still under 5%, except when we get a shock to the system once a decade or so...
  9. Trickle down is dumb as fuck. Trickle up is where it's at. How many people making minimum wage save anything? Those are the people you should pay. They stimulate the fuck out of the economy.
  10. Of course RG3 would call a Ferraris F40 a corvette. Lulz
  11. All this also took him out of the federal govt. He would have been stealing taxpayers money for decades. He can grift maga losers now. Fuck him and them.
  12. Lots of cringe with this one. Feeding drugs to 17 year olds is enough to land you in jail. Throw in blind 17 yo’s and he should fry.
  13. Man, those were the days. When paperclip logos actually looked like paperclips, and a wanna be OU team, was actually close to being. Brings a tear to my eye…
  14. Man, I miss the good ole days when I told myself this as OU shit down their own leg in the playoffs. At least it was usually to a top 2ish team. Yay?
  15. No idea. OU is a second class citizen in this new world but we can still laugh at USC. And I’m living vicariously through you guys which doesn't feel nearly as shitty as I thought it would. ‘Hey, much more of my family is UT vs OU!’ Whatever makes me feel better…
  16. There’s too much to do in LA. I like OU just fine but living in Miami/Chicago I just don’t care that much. If I stayed in OK (vomit) and had the same amount of money, I’d likely be donating 7 figures plus, but as it stands, I’ve got much better things to do with my money…still donating but to what I consider more worthy causes.
  17. True, but no matter what time of the day, the Clear staffers are nicer and have fuckloads more common sense. This is likely the exception. I totally agree with many here that privatizing everything is not the answer. Fuck Medicare for All. Dumbest shit ever.
  18. I love this though. "Can you believe Obama is STILL fucking you guys?" Just dumbfounded silence... This is great. His people will suffer more and you all can cry about whatever they blame...but don't lose the key point. They're still suffering. That's a win in my book. Fuck 'em.
  19. Maybe he gets through but most of his promises will be like trump’s promises. Just a lot of talk and no action…which beats the alternative, in most cases. Already bailing on his bigger promises before the inauguration…lower grocery prices? Just kidding!
  20. Yep. And I’ll be fine no matter what. I’m a cocky asshole but I don’t get westside’s take. I won’t have issues whether I stay or go anywhere but leaving and acting like ‘it’s all good now’ is some ‘I got mine’ BS that’s actually quite on brand for magatards. Be better.
  21. Nicole has a sock? And it’s my ‘guy’ Covri? Nevermind. Nicole is definitely in her bunk…
  22. The girl who sent that pic is an absolute dime. He’s a big artist. Assuming my man lost some sales today.
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