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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. Yes but overall she did a good job. Only so much you can drag a MF. He was dragged real good like. Fuck it, let’s do it again, if he’s up for more punishment. I’m fucking hyped.
  2. Stupid fucks on the right saying Swift endorsement means nothing. LOL ’People care about the economy. She doesn’t matter.’ You know what matters more than the economy? Voter turnout you fucking imbeciles. Not saying she will do it, but one free concert for those that can show they voted in a battleground state ends the battle. LFG
  3. Can probably take the question mark off the thread title.
  4. Guys, the police union said they did everything properly. So maybe we should all STFU?
  5. A lot of words and posts when ‘fuck the police’ would suffice.
  6. Good day for Kittle and we can break the all time scoring record for a week in our league. Of course it mean I'll be dogshit by the playoffs but I'm still gonna enjoy it...
  7. Yes. Of course he is. He had Dak and Romo on cheap deals and totally blew it. So here we are.
  8. Watson has to be only player ever in top 5 for worst contract a team gave and also top 5 worst trades ever. Quite a feat.
  9. Tyreek Hill gif would have been acceptable as well.
  10. Because their owner doesn’t diddle kids.
  11. I’m of the opinion people that fat can be really good at thinking on their feet - but that’s very rare. When it’s a pressure cooker situation and you need to make the call, a morbidly obese human’s brain is behind the 8 ball. FatMike is my case study. Look for me to be published in NEJM soon…
  12. FatMike just doing God’s work. Just as I was being sucked back in, he kindly tells me to fuck off…
  13. Apparently more washed than Zeke. That’s wild.
  14. Starts don’t get much better.
  15. It’s the curse of Urban and the Bears. Just let me be. I really hope the Bears turn it around and I like Trevor too. The Cowboys are my childhood team. At least my dork fantasy team does well most years. Otherwise NFL a beating…
  16. Urban may have broken him for good. Let’s see what the Bears can do with Caleb. I have faith he will be a dumpster fire under this amazing staff/mgt/ownership.
  17. Marvin Harrison Jr with a forgettable debut. Doesn’t have Dad’s killer instincts.
  18. Pics? Not of your bald ass either. Prob did well. Nice scenery here…
  19. Haha, flying Turkish Hairlines too. Sadly they steal good American dollars from my medspa/Surg center. Amazing country though, highly recommend.
  20. Needed a laugh. But I’m in Istanbul which is where you wanna wake up as an OU fan today. Good news is outside top 7-8 everyone looks average. Bad news is UT looks like world beaters.
  21. Cities are slowly fixing this. At least in blue states. Rural America will end up even more of a shithole than it is now. Sorry for those of you who can’t escape. But fuck the vast majority of those backwards ass MF’s.
  22. Couldn’t pay me to wear those lol. Hate to be a snob but even when I was poor af I’m not rocking any of those. Yikes
  23. True. For me I don’t mind walking by some bums and dealing with some odor. SF bums are aggressive and act like they own the damn city. But yes, I’m not one of these ‘OMG, cities are so scary!’ people.
  24. I lean about as far left as you can. I still spend a ton of time in Chicago. Sorry but it’s pretty fucking shitty in SF with the bums doing whatever the fuck they want. To be clear, this crime was more a random act and not typical of SF, Chicago has it much worse. But the bums camped out all over and it smelling like piss on many a block is an undeniable fact as of a couple years ago. Maybe in the last 18 months since I stopped visited more frequently, that has changed.
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