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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. He didn’t have it in Dallas in October? LOL
  2. Thank God for that little game in Dallas.
  3. I think he just sucks. Not that OU doesn’t suck. They just win a lot and suck.
  4. About to embarrass Yormark. 15 yards. Unbig12like conduct.
  5. Gundy w one more pokechoke for old times sake?!
  6. Plus the whole world hates them. Imo you guys definitely want a one loss UM vs a one loss tOSU. Fuck Michigan.
  7. You guys do what you need to. Hope it’s OSU and they get a 50 burger put on em. Depressing ass conference. Let em stew for eternity…
  8. Nice win. Sweeter over USC and their number one overall croot. We a basketball school now.
  9. Agreed. And you would know. The authority has spoken. Fuck the leftovers. We out!
  10. Owe my guy, Stunns. It’s perfect.
  11. I don’t go to games. Other than the RRR most years... Just way more other fun shit to do imo. See secret squirrel. Art Basel or a football game? Watching on TV, the SEC venues will be much better than 30% full TCU and KU etc.
  12. Lol. Not sure what you’re watching but this was never gonna be a game. Their D is making that quite obvious.
  13. OleMiss isn’t a lot different than TCU the last decade or so, but it’s gonna be a lot more fun going to the Grove and playing in front of packed houses all over. And spare me the OU and Texas are in for a rude awakening bullshit. Fucking Missouri of all teams is doing better in the SEC.
  14. I saw him looking fairly down too…assuming someone showed him his choice of co-eds/co-sheep in collie station.
  15. To be fair it was a legit receipt and nothing staged, just happened to be Huckabeef’s breakfast total.
  16. The insanely rich CEO’s laugh at those fucktards. Just wish I could grift those losers. Alas…
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