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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. Drunk here but calling Moser and OU to the sweet 16. He finally has his type of players. No way Castiglione whiffed on the hire.
  2. Great. We get this Dak. Settle in for a long one.
  3. Second paragraph is me. OU and Texas hung in and supported the left overs as long as they possibly could. While team after team bailed. All the hate after the decision did make it easier.
  4. Oh I agree. It’s far from a perfect analogy. Kind of like IL bitching about Ken Griffin then he took off to Miami and his hundreds of millions in taxes went poof. Shit happens. Choose your enemies wisely.
  5. I kind of feel bad for the left behind crew. If you were a rich individual in life, born with your billions, and acted like OU/UT in real life, you’d likely be universally known as a giant POS. But this is sports, so carry on. Fuckkkk the leftovers and their poor asses with the rustiest of dildos!
  6. At least OU actually owned the conference they’re making fun of. Had to be said.
  7. They’re so desperate they’ll end up letting someone coach remotely. And somehow spin it as a positive. Losers yesterday. Losers today. Losers tomorrow.
  8. They did. They were just shocked when Saban said no. Their back up Belichick also hung em out to dry. How were they supposed to see that?
  9. It’s like LR spending his entire head coaching career without ever being at a defensive team meeting.
  10. OKC is definitely ahead of schedule. Should be top 4 in the west and what a fun team to watch. Crazy how entertaining the NBA has gotten the last few years.
  11. OU wants to gtfo and definitely won’t give enough of a fuck to sue over that BS. You guys win. Let everyone else lose. The 6 way tie is great. Fuck this JV conference. Time to bail.
  12. No, the embarrassment comes when so many teams end up tied for first and/or second that they can’t figure out their own bullshit. That’s what I’m here for. Also, Yordork will go into hiding if he has to hand the trophy to OU or Texas, so let that happen too.
  13. Someone just tell me what the most embarrassing scenario is for this shit for brains conference, so I know what to root for.
  14. Of course they were. Welcome to the party. Hope you can overcome the trash. For the millionth time, fuck this pussy ass conference.
  15. Surlyhorns, what happens here...makes aggy cry.
  16. He’s probably hoping for several delays along the way. Yum.
  17. The look on that lady’s face is priceless.
  18. That’s a pretty good defense. ‘Your honor, my name is Markwayne.’ Judge: ‘throw his parents in jail’
  19. So that's what this fuck does when he's not butchering reffing b12 games?
  20. Klieman in fuckdogs station is like beans in chili. It’s something. You’ll notice it. Scary? I’ll defer to that SMU guy.
  21. No, man. You pay the extra millions so they can offer up Kingsbury.
  22. From the 100 year decision to the 100M decision. Never change aggy.
  23. Like the 5th one this year. Stopping first and goals inside the 5. LR couldn’t stop 3rd and 20 with that type of consistency.
  24. Going to the SEC with some sort of D. So glad that pussy LR is gone.
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