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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. Got the logos mixed up. TN has won something before. aggy - not so much...
  2. Well I was born in '79 so I'm sure you can match up what TV I grew up with vs movies and it was movies by a landslide. Forget I'm actually not old af compared to most around here...unlike other places on the interwebz.
  3. I think with shows now that can build over multiple seasons movies seem even worse, comparatively speaking. That gap is what really highlights it. Movies did always suck - they never sucked compared to shows you could watch at home. Not as I grew up anyway.
  4. Well this was yesterday. Clarence back at Crow’s estate in upstate NY. Don’t think you’ll see this pic anywhere else, not yet anyways. So yes, has to be today…
  5. You’re definitely proving a point. Just not the one you think you’re proving. Christ.
  6. Lol. That trial was the best thing that ever happened to dumbfuck. The more he ‘campaigns’ and people see/hear him, the lower his chances are. Again, I’m annoyed he’s got a shot but the more he opens his mouth, the lower he sinks.
  7. Movies these days suck. /getoffmylawn
  8. Fuck I was supposed to do this years ago and posted the configurator on shaggy. It’s honestly overwhelming. But definitely on the bucket list…keep us updated.
  9. Finally cheating on Lambo. Maybe I am getting old. SF90 on order but may grab one before next Miami season and give my spot up. Does NOT feel/drive like a hybrid. Similar build:
  10. LOL, she's such a giant cunt. Anyone with a brain can see all that hate's gonna eat her up...will be fun to watch. I liked Clark just fine, but this dumb bitch is actually turning me into a big fan.
  11. Not spectacular but plenty good enough. Great set up for rest of the season…
  12. Fuck I’m supposed to like this guy? So over the top corny. Sorry NBC, I can’t get there. Well done Rory…
  13. LOL, yes if we're talking about off the court, obviously Malone is an all time POS. That's not where I was going... Yes, I'd guess no way he gets anything over 22-24 for over a year. Maybe someone does 25 for one year prove it deal, but multiple years you'd have to think around 20 max but the NBA is full of morons in upper mgt and Morey loves a name...
  14. Malone a was worse choice over MJ but 10x the player that selfish stat stuffer WB was that year…
  15. You don’t want to match up w Russ. That’s all I know. Worst mvp in nba history?
  16. We do RPM/chronic care mgt so we do have some remote RN’s. Don’t need any more yet but should soon.
  17. Even before Covid nobody on our corporate team worked at the office. I mean we have over 100 nonclinical employees and there's less than 5 in an office daily. I don't get why people need to be in an office for the vast majority of jobs. I guess we're fairly young and dynamic and are lucky to have a culture, without needing to cram people in cubicles together. I appreciate companies that force work at office because we've been able to pick off really talented people for much less...
  18. I’m only shitting on him because we are considering him for top 3. That’s a crazy high bar. In today’s NBA you can’t be taking that much time off on D and be top 3. Not sure there was ever an era where you could?
  19. There’s a million highlights where he doesn’t get back on D because he’s crying to the refs. I agree he’s hurt now so he’s even worse but full strength those issues are there, just not as glaring.
  20. Sorry i definitely meant Trae’s D. I don’t think you can be that terrible on D and be considered top 3. No way. Offense is 50% of the game.
  21. That last comment…no, nobody is going to talk about Kidd being out-coached because it’s the most predictable shit ever.
  22. https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/luka-doncics-defense-hits-shameful-levels-with-mavericks-on-brink-of-being-swept-by-celtics/ For all the people who crowned Luka after the WCF win. He is who we thought he was. It’s like Trae Young with more whining to refs mixed in.
  23. You want to be an idiot 'explorer'? Sure, go ahead... Taking your son down with you? What a fucking asshole.
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