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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. Think of how infuriating this is. Then think of all the DT posters who don’t want to discuss dotard. Really weird. Comical they have the gall to make fun of aggy while supporting THE BIGGEST aggy EVER.
  2. They know what to do when their hated rival wins a championship. God bless.
  3. You’re usually spot on. I don’t get this take at all. Although I’m drunk on a Wednesday night. Delilah Miami folks. Highly recommend.
  4. NBA refs wanna be the story over and over. After the Lakers and 76ers get fucked here we are, again. Of course, fuck LA and Philly - obligatory.
  5. It’s great rounding in the morning and seeing the play by play with some of my patients. The ones tuning in to foxnews or OAN are ripe for the picking. Today I went with ‘why won’t they show all the protestors?’ Them: mumble mumble… Me: ‘you really think that guy set himself on fire? Come on. That’s a warning sign to stay away’. Them: ‘OMG’.
  6. He is no more, my friend. Bannished.
  7. Let's ignore the trolls and enjoy the fact that CrackheadKennedy is absolutely going to cost fuckstain more votes than Biden. As for the trolls, everyone should get one post to make fun of them, that's it. Then we move on. We are civilized, like Barkley in those old Right Guard commercials. Act like it.
  8. Also, today I learned you can only make fun of dumbfucks in the CR. What a world.
  9. I do get a good laugh every time I think about telling people I hope he blows his Achilles out jogging onto the field. Fucker almost pulled it off. I’ll take 4 plays into the season.
  10. I’m a fan of this statement even though it may be wrong. That’s not the point - point is this is a perfect NBA derka bat signal and now we have lost our big goofy friend. RIP Derka
  11. I used to like you. Hey, I really wanted it to work and him to say fuck the establishment but he’s taken a turn for the worst and the recruiting and on field results will show. Next…
  12. Meh. OU will struggle vs UT but as of now CU isn’t even close and we still have the golden hat. Funny joke tho.
  13. Not a recruiting dork here, but know enough to see his BS is gonna fail miserably, just a matter of time. I think this massive exodus is the beginning of the end. Will be fun to watch him set CU on fire.
  14. You can’t stop laughing? At that? How fucking high are you?
  15. You could have just posted Rudy. More germane to the thread.
  16. It’s really is odd how a large contingent of a UT board has trouble hating this fuckstick. I wonder why?
  17. I was so confused reading that. 1. He’s not white. I thought that’s obvious to everyone. 2. I had to look but yep - he has no kids. The guy is so miserable it actually makes me happy seeing his rants. Self loathing closet gay. Just come out, man. You’ll like yourself and others a million times more.
  18. ‘Angling like a big dog’ aggy gonna aggy Also using that ag degree for some hourly gig being a chode. ‘My employer pays for me to be on a jury pool!’ Nice humble brag, pal.
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