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  1. There’s a Little Woodrow’s out there, I think they definitely allow dogs on the patio
  2. Pinkerton’s definitely isn’t worth the drive all the way downtown. You can throw a rock in the Alamo ranch/1604 area and hit a good restaurant, I’d stick around there. If you like cheesecakes there’s a really good place called Laika around there that sells small ones.
  3. Last I checked I wasn’t a dorky white 5’8 beta male A&M fan.
  4. That may have topped the forest episode as the best episode this season. Milichik/Drummond conversation was fantastic.
  5. Imagine having any conflicting feelings whatsoever watching a UT-A&M game. Fuck the aggies, always and forever
  6. El es dominicano
  7. In for Giamatti. Rest of it looks dumb as fuck
  8. It’s actually closer to Club de Cuervos imo, except Cuervos did it 1000x better
  9. I bet you did
  10. The last episode we saw was when she had dinner with Chet hanks. Apparently it’s just a normal thing for married bosses to have one on one dinners with opposite sex employees at romantic restaurants. And then be shocked when people get the wrong idea. Of course her beta doormat cuck fiancée had zero problem at all with any of it. Also loled at hanks even being cast. It’s definitely a bookworm producer thinking “oooh muscles = athlete” without realizing that Chet does not have a basketball player physique at all. It’s such a stupid show.
  11. My girlfriend likes it so we’ve been watching. I don’t really pay attention but I can tell the gist is woman with no experience but “knows everything about basketball” falls in to a job she’s not qualified for, makes zero mistakes, is perfect, and experiences no character growth. Oh yes and all straight men are stupid/evil. It’s horrendously unfunny garbage.
  12. Wow, almost 30 entire extra minutes worth of traffic. So crazy. That’s insane.
  13. The A’s one is fake. The real one is just the A superimposed over “Athletics”
  14. Season 1 was a masterpiece, and so was season 2 up until the forest episode. That was a clear peak and this show is going off the rails quick.
  15. You’re right, I was wrong. The season is actually already 36% over (14/39). So the variance the rest of the way will actually be smaller than +/- 10 spots.
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