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Everything posted by Helobious

  1. I was pretty sure that part of the deal was every player had to get the same amount of money.
  2. Jesus, I’d cause a pleasure tornado inside her. She’d beg me not to stop.
  3. There’s no way they offered him extra cash to opt in, I don’t think they’re allowed to and it’s not like even the cover athletes got more money than anyone else in the game. He just changed his mind.
  4. Where are all the idiots on here that said it was smart for Arch to opt out?
  5. My cousins say they just got power back after 24 hours, they live next to Pasadena Dobie HS.
  6. Probably more like a UTPB or Angelo State.
  7. They’re opening with Sul Ross, and then of course the 9 Southland conference games. They just need to find 2 more games.
  8. Talk to me was good but it didn’t get this level of pre-release hype. It got more word of mouth buzz afterwords.
  9. People still watch movies at Alamo? Once regular theaters got reclining seats and alcohol I didn’t think anyone still saw the appeal.
  10. Can’t recall a horror movie with this much hype in a while. Makes me think it might suck
  11. I had stopped following this a few days ago after I thought it’d dissipate. Is it projected to hit Houston hard? I know the coast will get slammed but it should weaken a bit by the time it gets to Houston correct? My stubborn dad lives in Katy area, wondering if it’s bad enough for me to tell him to gtfo.
  12. So they knew pretty quick the aliens can’t swim and that they were attracted to noise. I feel like they could’ve been defeated somewhat quickly. I don’t see how they could’ve caused an entire global apocalypse.
  13. Ben Rice is a rookie and he hit 3 homers in that same game. Didn’t pimp any of them like that. He’s just a coach on the field that plays the game the right way. I’d let my daughter date him, not someone like Devers.
  14. Pimping homers in a game you lost by 10 is certainly a choice.
  15. It didn’t hit me until the last episode, but I know who the killer is:
  16. Would they return once the hurricane is over? Not sure. If this was a great white I don’t think it’d be the only one.
  17. I grew up close to there and have heard of people catching small tiger sharks and all that. But there’s people on the RGV subreddit saying this one was huge, like 10-15 feet and that it might’ve been a great white. I’m not sure if that’s true but they’re saying some are moving in along the Texas coast now because of the hurricane.
  18. I don’t see how anyone could go swimming at SPI ever again after that. Sharks have clearly expanded their territory and these attacks are going to get way more frequent.
  19. 5 shark attacks in the past 24 hours at SPI today, after 0 since I believe the 1960s. Never getting in the water there again.
  20. Yes I remember people telling me that’s the “real” way to make an omelette. You’d still be insane to choose that over a Grand Slamwich from Denny’s. There’s no substance in the omelette she made.
  21. Someone doesn’t understand merchandising.
  22. I still remember getting flamed for talking about how terrible that omelette looked. It had no ham, mushrooms, sausage, anything in it. Don’t even think it had cheese. Shittiest omelette I’d ever seen.
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