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Posts posted by Helobious

  1. Fernando Arcia from the angels has to be the feel-good story of the year so far. Made his MLB debut yesterday after spending 12 years in the minors. Now he’s the first player in MLB history with 10 total RBI’s after his first two career games. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Tired of Lurking said:

    I finally have Friday's off so checking out which games I could/should attend this year.

    9/7 - S.A. Madison @ Bowie
    9/14 - Lake Travis @ Bowie
    9/21 - Bowie @ Del Valle
    9/28 - Lake Travis @ Austin
    10/12 - Lake Travis @ Westlake
    10/18 - Westlake @ Del Valle

    Getting me a few Hudson Card, Garrett Wilson, and Elijah Higgins games in. How weird will it be as a 31-year-old with zero personal attachment flying solo at high school games?


    I try to go to a big high school playoff game once a year usually, last one I went to solo . No one seemed to care/notice, and I sure didn’t care if they did anyway. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Underdog said:

    Like what exactly?  Movies? or TV?  

    Wasn't alive back then, but I imagine sex scenes in regular movies are more prevalent/graphic today than back then. I also have a hard time imagining graphically violent films like The Purges and others being popular back then. Sure Clockwork Orange was very violent but not horrifically graphic, not even the rape scene. Movies with predominantly black casts and production crews sure as hell couldn't have been made or had as much mainstream success as they do today. 

  4. 13 hours ago, Rusty Shackelford said:

    Was this candy just a Yankee thing, or a very old person thing?

    I’ve honestly never seen these things before, much less eaten them.

    This. The first time I'd ever heard of Necco Wafers was when I read this thread title, and I'm in my mid-20's.

  5. Finished it today. I really do think this is one of the most well-put together reality shows on right now. It's too bad no one was all that likeable, but hey that's true reality sometimes. I guess the guys I pulled for the most were the white center, Bobby Bruce even though he was an idiot, and coach Diaz. Malik was a grade-A cunt but I did somewhat feel for him, with such a shitty dad like that. 

    I really can't decide who's worse between this coach and Buddy. Buddy is obviously the better coach, but is just as thin-skinned and whiny as Brown is. I think Brown cared way more about the players than Buddy did. Which isn't saying much. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Im conjuring up fight memories and trying to see whether I think 8 punches is a lot.  Kind of depends how well the punches were thrown and landed.

    It’s a lot if you can punch worth a shit. Best street brawlers I knew could end a fight in 5 hits or less, the very best could knock a dude out in 1-3 clean shots. The high number of punches and lack of broken facial/jaw bones in the victim says everything. No wonder Boyd was a 2nd stringer. 

    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, txhorns said:

    The Yankees are 5-4 against Boston this year.  That isn't anywhere close to owning them you stupid fuck.

    It’s a winning record so it is kind of close, you obese cunt. 

  8. It’s an example of why you shouldn’t build your team around young pitching. Sure you might make a good run for a season or 2, but long term it’s a poor strategy. Pitchers are more apt to get hurt or stop performing. Meanwhile the Cubs, Astros, Yankees, Dodgers, Red Sox, etc. built around young hitters and are all well positioned for multi-year success. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:


    Sevy will be pitching in the wild card game, and then if you win that you get to go up against boston or houston with Tanaka and CC starting on the road. Good luck.


    The Yankees have owned Houston & Boston this year. It’s the fluky one game wild card anything can happen shit that is concerning if it gets to that.

  10. 1 hour ago, Beau Vine said:


    Your sarcasm detector is on the fritz.

    So the Yankees are going into the last two months with three starters who aren't rookies or trainwrecks...

    1.  Severino, yeah, he's really good.

    2.  Sabathia, who's 38 and weighs 300.

    3.  Tanaka, who's over 4.50 ERA this season and was 4.74 last season.  

    What are the odds of all three of those guys staying healthy through October?


    But they have the best bullpen in MLB history.

    All 3 of those guys will be there come October. Sevy is as talented a pitcher as there is, Tanaka turns it up in crunch time, and you can never count out veteran presents. And Cashman isn’t done making moves, genius. He’ll get another starter before the playoffs. Granted the trade market for starters is embarrassingly bad this year but he’ll find a serviceable one.

  11. 8 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    Yeah but Kong is the King......he whipped Godzilla's ass in the American version of KK versus Godzilla.

    That ending was ambiguous, and it was hardly an ass kicking either way.

    Godzilla vs Kong comes out in 2020, and I fully expect it to be completely shittastic. Horrible choice to have Adam Wingard direct, the Godzilla nerd-fan community is in uproar over it. However many people are excited for King of the Monsters, looks like good stupid fun.

  12. 1 hour ago, Buzzrock said:

    Was that Gamera that 11 was trying to pet?

    The “humans infected the earth” plot line is eye rolly. Hopefully she’s wrong and then it’s just monster fight destruction.

    That was mothra in caterpillar form

  13. On 7/22/2018 at 3:46 PM, longhornmatt said:

    Based on what I could discern about the plot from that trailer, this might be the dumbest movie ever made. 

    Let's not overthink Godzilla vs. Mothra.  Just a simple, "Oh wow, that's Godzilla and Mothra, and now they're fighting" will suffice.

    You might be the dumbest poster ever made, because Godzilla & Mothra are teaming up for this.

    Fun fact: Godzilla is the longest continuously-running movie franchise in history. I’m stoked as fuck for this, huge Godzilla nerd.

  14. I went to a small private school that was mostly white, but it was only a K-6 school. After that I only attended public schools and none of them were anything less than 85% hispanic. As a white-looking hispanic person I really never felt out of place anywhere growing up.

    Also, I think a better-worded OP would've been "have you ever attended a truly diverse school?" Integrated & diverse are 2 different things. 

  15. Im a couple years older than RiceOwl, but I concur with a lot of what he said. Granted he seems more successful than I am and he went to Rice, but I recently stayed at a Holiday Inn Express so I know intelligent thoughts when I see them.

    When I go back to my hometown, I see a lot of the elderly dudes in the barrio everyday hanging out in the shade, drinking beer and playing cards or whatever, seemingly not a care in the world. I always looked down on them for being shit poor and stupid and doing nothing of substance with their lives.

    As I get older and rack up the days of my life I’ve spent doing a job I don’t even like much, worrying about my current bills and putting away money for some far off time, I do start to kind of wonder who the dumb one is.


  16. 18 minutes ago, PappyVanVinceYoung said:

    I don’t like this format. I don’t like them doing head to head. Just have the top 4 move on. I also wish it was a 10 out limit instead of a time limit, with outs being any swing that is not a homerun. 

    This format is roughly 1000000000x better than the old one you're talking about. The time and head/head creates so much more fun, drama, and intensity. Just look at how much the crowd gets into it when it's down to the wire. 

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  17. Reading the story, it doesn’t sound like the cartel had a lot to do with it. Just crazy dudes killing an ex-gf in an argument over drugs, and then beheading her autistic granddaughter for being a witness to the 1st murder. Sick fucks

  18. 1 hour ago, Beau Vine said:

    Do you know who else has gotten worse each season since 2016 and is currently hitting .190?


    When it comes to hitting I’d still take him over any other AL catcher, except maybe Ramos. When he gets back from his injury he’ll return to form.

  19. Michael Fulmer is such a fraud. Stole the AL ROY in 2016 and has gotten worse each season since. Apparently there were scouts from multiple teams there to watch his start today, since he's a trade deadline candidate.  All they saw was him getting fucking smoked by Houston for 4 innings before getting pulled. 

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