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Posts posted by Helobious

  1. Putting a blowhard like Norris in any kind of leadership role should be automatic grounds for a firing. Not surprised at all to learn Norris snitches on the entire team and is riding a young black pitcher into the ground, given Norris' comments in the past. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    C- Pudge

    1B- Sean Casey

    2B- Brandon Phillips

    SS- Ozzie

    3B- Chipper

    RF- Larry Walker

    CF- Kenny Lofton

    LF- Manny Ramirez

    DH- Papi

    SP- Pedro


    Jesus fucking Christ, Papi & Ramirez are two of the most hateable players I've ever seen play competitive sports. Ramirez with his PED use, extreme lack of hustle, and pissy not giving a shit attitude during games were so hard to watch. Interesting that Papi was a 27 year-old nobody until he became teammates with Ramirez, I can't imagine why he got so good all of a sudden. Papi also threw child-like temper tantrums whenever things didn't go his way and was extremely disliked by opposing players. Fuck both those showboating douches into eternity. 

    Pedro's alright with me.

  3. 8 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    My only thing with trout is that he has literally zero personality. Once in a lifetime type of player, but he doesn’t seem very marketable 

    He plays in LA but each year he barely cracks the top 10 in jersey sales. I also can't think of any name brands that he's sponsored by. You know he has a bunch of sponsors you just won't see him in many ads. He's also never won a playoff game in his career, and we're in year 8 already. Probably the greatest baseball player of all-time and he's doing it as under the radar as you possibly can. I really do wonder how many non-baseball fans would even recognize him if he sat next to them on a bus. A big part of that's on him, but I'd put most of it on the MLB. They need to market their stars better. 

  4. I really hate that I don’t hate Betts at all. The Sox best players have always been such easily hateable douchebags until that asshole came along. A guy on the Yankees that seems to be generally loved by all is Gregorious. Super interactive on social media, is almost always smiling/laughing on the field and is always at the forefront of Yankees charity work.

    For the Reds I’d add Votto, he’s long been my favorite NL player. Him throwing that foul ball almost out of Wrigley field last year was hilarious. 


  5. On 7/11/2018 at 2:50 AM, Bodacious Bevo said:

    I'm not the type to watch a bunch of hudls. But I watched his because I didn't get the hype around a 2021 QB. I get it now. It blows my mind to think about a 14 year old making the throws he does. Second play he throws an accurate 45 yard strike to his right as he's falling to his left. That's some Aaron Rodgers shit. I don't really care about Stone that much, it's just crazy to think about a kid that much younger than me making those plays as a freshman. 

    That was actually one of his least impressive throws in that video imo. Just chucked it up towards the middle of the field, receiver made a diving catch. He had a bunch of more impressively accurate back shoulder throws and quick strikes in those highlights. Who knows how good he'll be or not be in a few years, but right now he looks like he'll be a legit star come college time. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    jose ramirez, javy baez, kevin pillar, nolan arenado, Jarrod Dyson to add a few 

    I’m slightly biased but I’ll add Aaron Judge on there. He has to be one of the least demonstrative players in the MLB right now. FWIW he’s never been intentionally thrown at in his career that I can remember, Baez & Arenado can’t say that. But that may be more to do with pitchers being overly-sensitive than those guys being unlikeable.

  7. 31 minutes ago, Rex Kramer said:

    It’s Charlie and it’s indisputable. Helobius just so wants it to not be true that’s grasping.  

    The first guy said he was the worst “by every metric imaginable”, which simply isn’t true if you’re going off who won the most games. The correct thing to say would’ve been “by almost any metric”, or “by every meaningful metric”. Hyperbole has no home on this site. 

  8. 12 hours ago, Beau Vine said:


    Picture is old but went viral on twitter recently because the dumb feminist cunts claim it's an example of "fragile masculinity". Nevermind it was done as a joke and that Hernandez is a well known prankster. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Lidig8r said:

    It does help that in every possible measure, he was the worst coach in the history of Texas football.

    Factually incorrect. He had more career wins than several previous coaches. 

  10. Machado talk not going away. I'd rather have another 2 good SP's than Machado though. Also an upgrade at 1st would be nice, but maybe Bird's starting to come around. Stanton's on fire right now, batting over .370 the past 20 games. The train continues to roll. 

  11. 26 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    glad the whole group is alive.

    However,  reading up on this, news reports are saying that they wont be able to get the kids out for 3-4 MONTHS, unless they teach them how to scuba dive... in a  dark cave, with dirty water, for their very first dive, which as most folks know, is a recipe for disaster.


    Lol, it’s not like they’re gonna hand them scuba gear and say “good luck”. There’s gonna be a diver right there going out with them. Still hard, but not as bad as it sounds. 

  12. I took catholic confirmation classes when I was 16 because my mom made me. I was there with about 15 other local teens. Each class would start with us in a prayer circle.

    There was one really cute girl in there, and I would always slyly try and stand next to her so that I could hold her hand in the prayer circle. After class I’d go home and vigorously jack off with whatever hand she had held that night. 

    • Like 2
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  13. ESPN and their field mic is ridiculous. It sounds like cannon-fire whenever a batter makes solid contact. Fastballs hitting the mitt sound like shotgun blasts. 

  14. 1 hour ago, threesheets said:

    I prefer people who don't like sports to people that think they are everything.

    True, but the flip side of that are those people who don't like sports and believe themselves to be inherently intellectually superior to anyone that does. 

  15. I know a few. Most of them are really into music or video games. I have one coworker who doesn't watch any sports other than soccer, and it's 100% because he just wants to be a hipster person that says he likes soccer. I'll never understand what it is about that sport that makes Americans think they are so sophisticated and cool for watching it. It's honestly one of the most simple and uncomplicated games to understand, hence it's worldwide popularity. 

    I'm a casual fan of most sports, but the only ones I really follow are CFB and the MLB. 

  16. One of my direct ancestors founded the city of Laredo. The great Don Tomas Sanchez, who was of Spanish nobility. Someone fucked up in the couple centuries after that because my family was poor as hell for as long as anyone could remember until my parent's generation started going to college.

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