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Posts posted by Helobious

  1. 8 hours ago, washparkhorn said:

    Thanks Helo. That’s good news to me.  

    In making the decision to shoot, are they using weapons loaded with ammunition that is likely to go through walls and kill/injure innocents?  That was an excuse used by the LEO commanders on the decision to wait after Columbine. 

    They just use whatever ammo they have on them at the time I believe. If the shooter is surrounded by innocents they won’t engage, but I doubt they worry about rounds going through walls too much if there’s a mass shooter in front of them. Goal #1 is neutralizing the shooter. If the shooter is still firing, they have to run past whatever wounded they come across and get to the shooter first. 

    Source: Good friend is a cop & on the mighty Corpus Christi SWAT team. And I watch a lot of crime documentaries. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Scraps said:

    This is probably my first non asshole-ish response to you ever.  

    You should really watch MLB Network(or as someone mentioned listen to mlbradio) because they do an outstanding job on there.  Even your boy Girardi is on there now.  I know you are a Yankees fan, but if you care to hear about all of baseball then you should tune in because they do really well going over all of MLB.  

    And the best part is they don't really have any of the loud mouth morons that other stations have (Espn, NFLNetwork, etc) other than dumbass Mad Dog, but he is on during the day anyway.  

    I absolutely loved MLBN & Quick Pitch (and Heidi), but this season I haven’t had access to it. Getting all my baseball news from MLB’s instagram & whenever I get a chance to peruse the MLB site. Probably not the best way to go. I am tempted to get Vue or something just for that channel. 

  3. 44 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    On on the plus side, that was a great reaction time by the Sheriff’s Department (60 seconds). They ran to the danger. I hope we are seeing a shift in tactics so shooters are neutralized quickly

    Since Columbine, active shooter protocol calls for the first armed responders to make entry and challenge the shooter(s). This has been the case in virtually every mass shooting since Columbine, although usually the mass shooter surrenders or kills themselves before the cops get them. It’s hard to believe that people think that sitting outside and waiting is still the SOP. It hasn’t been for almost 20 years. The only exception that comes to mind is Parkland, but the school police guy & first couple cops to get there stayed outside out of cowardice, not because that was the correct strategy.

    • Like 1
  4. Josh Hader, the Brewers setup guy, is putting up a historically dominant season so far. I’d wager over 95% of non-nl central team fans have never heard of him. I learned of his existence just a few weeks ago by randomly scanning pitcher leaderboards. He’s rarely mentioned on the MLB social media pages. It’s still crazy to me how vastly different stardom is in baseball vs other sports. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Xian said:



    his. Twitter. Him for sure.  Doesn’t seem to be a trumper. Or very political (note: I’ve just scanned it- did not go into detail)

    He had one tweet taking exception to the Capital Gazette calling Trump unqualified. 

    Dude looks like your typical late 30's deranged incel. But he does have a hispanic last name, so white males can't take the full blame on this one.

  6. 18 hours ago, Mez2 said:

    Helo was just born last time Yankees won a world series, so this is all new for him in the Rio Grande Valley

    The Yankees have won 5 titles in my lifetime so far. 

    Side note: What goddamn baseball team does a valley kid root for? Sure the Astros are big down there, but they’re the closest team and still over 6 hours away. As a hispanic I wasn’t keen on rooting for a team named after the “Texas Rangers” either. It’d be like a black guy rooting for a team called the “LAPD Enforcers” or something. More importantly they’re over 8 hours away. You clowns act like I was born & raised on the other side of Crawford St and still chose to be a Yankees fan. 

  7. 1 hour ago, ousux said:

    Not bad, could've been much more with either a better junior season, or coming back for '18 with quite a bit of pre-season hype, watch lists etc.. (And mostly living up to the hype as well)

    Anyway, hope he balls out for Cincy...could have been worse and landed on the other Ohio team.

    Or he could've gotten hurt and ended up with significantly less money or nothing. 

    • Like 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    not sure where this angst is coming from.  most astros fans including myself (who are too young to have seen him) are big mantle fans, and stories like this only make him more awesome.  altuve isn't a switch hitting outfielder, and he's not chasing any of mickey's records or his legacy.  altuve is a hits/avg guy, and could possibly end up a better version of joe morgan maybe?  

    right now baseball is shaping into a 3 man race of super teams who will all likely win 100+ games.  depending on what the indians do and what the trade deadline looks like, it should be a very interesting october.  

    maybe go for a run or take a boxing class.  get it out of your system.

    I'm far less wound up today, the last 2 nights with your mom have done wonders.

    You're right about the super teams, but truth be told it wouldn't shock me if only one of the Yankees/Astros/Red Sox made the ALCS. Baseball is weird like that. I can just see two of those teams falling flat & getting upset in October for whatever reason. 

  9. Yes, his dad is former Tech football player Carlos Cavazos. Never met him but know several who know him well. I've talked about it before but he's very well-known in the valley for being a recruiting huckster and nightmare for whoever is coaching his kids.  His kids have played at Mission Sharyland, SA Reagan, DeSoto, Cibolo Steele, and now IMG with his youngest. He'll move the whole family wherever the strong athletic program is. Apparently with Lejond it looked like he was unlikely to start as a sophomore at Steele which kicked off the Seguin/IMG mess. The dad & son then took to twitter to trash the Steele team and coaching staff. 

    As for this particular kid I don't think he has what it takes to be a difference maker at the college level. He is a nationally ranked hurdler and should probably stick to that if he's serious about a future in athletics.

    • Like 2
  10. On 6/21/2018 at 6:20 PM, ButtFumble said:

    they had a pretty big dispute over the name of the sports teams for the merged school as well some wanted to keep the UT-Pan Am name where most of the sports teams are and some wanted a fresh name and they went with a fresh name that is being called "racist" because it is Vaqueros......because yea Cowboys in Spanish is racist 🙄


    I remember many people being pissed at the "UTRGV" name change. "UT-South" was the far better name candidate and would've sounded more attractive to students not from the area. Calling the sports teams the Vaqueros was the icing on the cake and what got people upset. It reeked of "oh these hispanic people will like this name, just because it's in spanish". Pretty much everyone I know down there hates it. Just look at all the high school mascots down there, which are picked by the local community. Not a Spanish name among them. 

  11. 17 hours ago, ChingoHorns said:

    I agree 100% with that article. Brownsville compared to other border towns is a safe haven. I’ve lived here going on 6 years and compared to Austin  and San Antonio crime here is minimal. 

    On a different subject flooding here is fucking crazy. When we bought our home I had to raise my backyard 9” so that my yard wouldn’t flood but that did no good cause 2 of the 3 outlets out of my subdivision flood enough that you’ll catch a few cars stranded there till the water recedes. 

    The valley has almost every reason to be a crime-infested shithole, but it's just not and never has been. To be honest I really don't even know why. 

    High school football is a huge deal down there, despite the lack of talent. That said I don't see college football ever working, especially given the rough future of the sport itself over the next few decades. 

  12. The Yankees were the very last MLB team this season that hadn't suffered a 3 game losing streak until yesterday. But please start talking all the shit you want.

    And yes, I'd rather give Mickey Mantle a BJ than choke on the syphilitic 4-inch Altuve-cock like you Astros fans do on a daily basis. Mantle was a fucking legend and always will be. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Lobo said:

    Given his proximity to her before/after and the burning of the personal effects, wouldn't it have occurred to the defense to curry favor with the judge to ask him about what/who he might have seen that night?  If he didn't do it, but given his locale and timing, maybe he saw who did do it.  Now that the evidence is being dismissed, it's too late to ask him since that was almost two years ago.  If your guy didn't do it, what does it hurt to ask him about what he saw since everybody can put him near her that night.  

    Don’t think it’s a good defense strategy to put your client near the scene if you don’t have to. They may argue that it’s impossible to tell if it’s really him there from the video.

  14. My friend in college got arrested for DWI and had to spend almost a day in jail because his parents didn't know that you actually do have to give your credit card info over the phone to accept any call from jail. They thought they were being scammed. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

    How many players go from the All-Star game to A-ball in less than a year?

    He's going to A-Ball to because that's where the Twins extended spring training coaching staff is and they can better help him with his swing, not because the Twins feel he's an A-ball talent. He's also got a well documented attitude, work ethic, and weight problem, and he dealt with that (now proven false) sexual assault accusation in the off-season. He's not exactly a typical case. 

  16. Take any 8-10 players at the midway point of the year, and some of them will have a decline in the second half of the season. HR derby participants are no different, they just get amplified more because people want to push the baseless and stupid "HR derby ruins people" theory. 

  17. 1 hour ago, crash_davis said:

    i was thinking fat people but i see where your mind is.

    Places with high numbers of fats are where you want to be, I've never understood why people use that as a knock against an area. If you're skinny you look that much better. And I'd like to see a list of places with low obesity rates that also have great food. I'll wait. 

  18. 31 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    el paso, san antonio, the whole entire rio grande valley, all of mississippi, all of alabama, yada, yada, yada.  the left a bunch of shitty ass places off that list.

    Ok Trump. Just because a place has a lot of mexicans doesn't make it a shithole. El Paso & the valley don't have the level of crime needed to be true shitholes. San Antonio is a pretty damn nice place to raise a family if you're not a drug-dealer or gang member.

    Also the valley has great food, a nice beach, and a pleasant unambitious vibe to it that makes it a relaxing place to be. Not the dire hopeless vibe you get in other places with a ton of poverty. 

    • Like 1
  19. Saw it over the weekend. I'd give it like a 7.3/10, pretty good but kind of a dumb plot. Spoiler kind of:


    The whole scene where the mom dreamt of walking into the son's room with the ants was very well done. Pretty fucking horrifying. 



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