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Everything posted by Helobious

  1. Sounds like RFK will drop out on Friday and endorse Trump. Probably adds easily over a couple million votes to Trumps total. Only question is will they be enough in the right states for him to win it.
  2. Catcher is a male it turns out. Still has a cannon of an arm.
  3. Asian chick catcher for Nevada has a fucking cannon of an arm.
  4. I played baseball & football in high school, was the best player at both too. Everyone crying about baseball players being stupid douchebags are probably the same guys who I stole girlfriends from back in the day.
  5. A moment to appreciate Colt McCoy, a guy who is in all likelihood a Trump supporter but who so far hasn’t felt the need to broadcast his political beliefs to the world.
  6. Boerne HS has replaced Champion as the school for athletes in that town. For all of Champion’s existence the opposite was true.
  7. There’s a long list of LLWS stars that don’t even play baseball anymore by the time they finish high school. I’d pump the brakes.
  8. You can choose preference in game strategy on whether to receive or kick if you win the toss. It’s stupid you can’t change it on a game to game basis though. Recruiting is beyond fucked. Dev traits are completely random and almost meaningless when it comes to actual progression. You can’t track how much your player improves year to year, their weights always stay the same all 4 years (they were dynamic in NCAA 14) and holy shit the jersey # thing is terrible. O-lineman with single digits and my QB wears #20 like he’s Mike Winchell or something. Can’t edit any of it.
  9. Do you even sabermetrics bro. Walking and driving up pitch counts is how the game is played now, entertainment be damned.
  10. This game kind of sucks.
  11. All the people saying they want to live in the CO mountains haven’t spent much time there. Was in Telluride this past month. Pulled into the AirBNB one night, fucking huge ass bear hanging out by the garage, it bolted into the woods when it saw us. I don’t understand wanting to live in the territory of something that can easily eat you, and there’s a ton of them out every night. Not a safe place to live at all. The east and south denver metro make a little more sense. Safer from forest fires and bears, plus the weather is way better.
  12. He’s my favorite Longhorn ever and he inspired me to start playing football in middle school. CSB: I was religious as a youth, and Colt had by far the best and most inspirational “I am Second” testimonial out of any of them. I still watch it occasionally
  13. They were trying to mimic the LLWS broadcast. They should’ve extended it to mimicking an actual LL game. 6 inning exhibition, make it even more inclusive for the little leaguers. Let them be the batboys and get foul balls, let them shag BP, etc. Playing a rigged game that actually counts and also messes with the travel schedule is beyond stupid.
  14. Didn’t know we had so many Tigers fans on here. Wonder why no one made a team thread.
  15. I’m so fucking done with these gimmicky bullshit MLB special event games. This is just like the Tim Anderson Field of Dreams horseshit. They’re 100% rigged to be dramatic/close, it’s not a real baseball game.
  16. Yankees vs Tigers in the Little League Classic tonight. Prodigal son Jassson Dominguez makes his return to the Yankee lineup, but it’s believed it’s just a one game thing.
  17. In terms of crime rate SA is above average for large cities, and that base is located in a rough part of town. There’s routinely shootings very close by. Can’t recall anyone ever taking shots at the guard booth though, if that’s even what really happened. I’m not putting car backfiring out of the realm of possibility now, or just some stray bullets landing close to the guards either.
  18. Not Texas, but historic Crenshaw High in Los Angeles currently only has 15 players in their football program after years of falling enrollment. They may have to cancel their season. Pretty wild for a school that’s put 20+ players in the NFL and has won multiple titles even just since 2000. https://ktla.com/sports/a-historic-los-angeles-high-school-football-program-may-have-to-sit-the-upcoming-season-out/amp/
  19. It really doesn’t. The area around Lackland has been gangland since the 90s. No one’s done something like this before. It was either a poorly executed attack or some really stupid teens acting on their own accord.
  20. So now it’s reported there was a shooting at 2:15 AM, then a 2nd shooting at 4:30 AM. Both drive-bys aimed at the entry gate. I guess that is kind of weird.
  21. Tyler Perry in Gone Girl
  22. Yeah that’s just kids being dumb. And yes, in SA a drive by shooting like that would fall under kids being dumb.
  23. SA news is so fucking terrible. If it ended 6 hours ago they aren’t “active” shooters. Given the area Lackland is in, 90% chance this was teenagers in a stolen car that made a wrong turn and got spooked when they saw the guards and started shooting.
  24. So we know you aren’t from Mount Pleasant then.
  25. Yankees … #1
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