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Posts posted by Helobious

  1. 3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Josh Donaldson just came up lame running the bases and left the game.

    I hope he's hurt enough to go on the DL and I don't feel bad about it.


    Donaldson, Martin, Bautista, and Stroman combined to make the Blue Jays probably the most unlikeable pro sports team I've ever seen when they were together. A truly exceptional collection of cunts on that roster. 

  2. 1 minute ago, bschoolprof said:

    Jet stream has bent way up into Canada. The allows heat from Mexico and moisture from the gulf to pour up across the middle of the country.  It’s been in the 90s in fucking Minneapolis. 

    Maybe we do need a wall then. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, South Austin said:

    I think there's legitimate frustration with how Collin looked like a world beater against USC, then seemed to fizzle the rest of the year. I can't honestly say whether the fault lies with him, Beck, or the QBs.

    He was one of the best freshman WR in the country IMO in 2016. He seems to have some issues getting open, but he’s made his fair share of highlight contested catches (Tech 2016 comes to mind). I think Herman/Beck tried to steer the QB’s away from throwing at WR’s that weren’t totally open (probably a good idea for young QB’s), vs 2016 where Buechele was more willing to chuck up some risks and let CJ make plays. So I’d say the “blame” lies with all 3. 

  4. Serious question... did any of you go to a high school that DIDN'T have an armed district officer on campus? Both my middle and high school each had 2 armed officers. When I think about it I've really never heard of a high school not having at least one. Shit, there was even one at Columbine that briefly exchanged fire with Harris. I get confused when people talk about putting armed security at every campus, because I think that's already a thing. 

  5. On 5/22/2018 at 5:52 PM, Casual Encounter said:

    * In practice

    He's made a fuckton of great catches in games as well, and he's far and away the best receiver we've had on campus in years. No idea why the fanbase hates on him so much. He's had Buechele & Ehlinger throwing to him for Christsakes. 

  6. 31 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    Something else that I’ve been thinking about:

    If you have kids then you know that telling them “That’s bad, never touch it!” is a sure recipe for them to want to touch it. A loud group in the current conversation is 24/7 yelling “Guns are bad!!!” Kids love bad things.

    I grew up on a farm with guns around in addition to all sorts or dangerous tools. I was taught that tools could be dangerous unless I knew how to use them. But once I was taught how to properly shoot, or weld, or hook up a PTO or whatever then I was allowed to do it.

    Perhaps better gun education is an angle?

    I'll take it you're not a fan of abstinence-only sex ed then. Or "drugs are bad mmkay" type anti-drug campaigns.  

  7. 1 hour ago, gsoda3 said:

    it was at a church but had nothing to do with the church.  from that article you linked, "TMZ, which obtained the video, said the dance was part of a larger Greek festival in a town about 30 minutes away from Santa Fe, Texas, where he went to school."

    He was there with a group from his local greek orthodox church. He may have been an atheist inside, but he clearly was "involved" with his local church and grew up in a religious household. 

  8. 26 minutes ago, gsoda3 said:

    the atheist was involved in church?



    Classmates described Pagourtzis as quiet, an avid video game player who routinely wore a black trench coat and black boots to class. He had played football on the school’s junior varsity squad and danced as part of a church group. Those who know him expressed shock he might be involved in the killings.


  9. 41 minutes ago, MillerEP said:

    My personal take is that as more and more people are becoming secular, and the world is rapidly homogenizing culture into a globalized one, people are losing their connection to the old societal foundations that they used to use as a basis for shared morals, ethics, and laws. I think that’s really damaging to the psyche of people. In the past societies had shared cultures, religions, and traditions to tie themselves to which informed their theories of what’s acceptable or not. Today we’re being told all of our foundations are wrong and racist, or sexist, outdated, backwards, etcetera etcetera etcetera. We’ve become unmoored and so people don’t know where to turn or find meaning in their lives, so they’ve either become nihilists or epicureans (constantly chasing pleasures as the key to happiness). And boy does modern society really help if you’re one of those two things. It’s very unhealthy. It’s one of the reasons I turned to Stoicism a while back. Think about it, what morals or virtues do you impart on people if you have none of your own? In the past you had philosophy or religion to build your ethics, morals, and laws around, both of which are increasingly shrinking in global importance. Now we have a cultural crisis where people’s upbringing is either non existent, being abolished, or being overwritten by other people with agendas or through sheer evolution. It’s no wonder you have people looking for an identity by joining gangs, or by following unbridled emotion shooting up a classroom because he was bullied or had unrequited feelings for a girl. It’s one thing to know the laws as they are written on paper, quite another thing to fundamentally believe it’s wrong to murder another human being.

    The Santa Fe shooter seemed pretty involved in his church.

  10. Grandma and grandpa, and I'm from Texas. However not one of my 4 grandparents could speak english, and my spanish is not amazing so I always had a hard time communicating with them. 

    The "meemaw, pawpaw, nana" shit sounds so weird when spoken by someone over the age of 10. Never understood it. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Sbbruin said:

    My entry is an easy one to remember, because it was a completely shitty thing to do.  I went to baseball camp at UC Riverside when I was maybe in 7th or 8th grade.  We were having breakfast in the cafeteria.  I was at that age where I did stupid shit for attention.  So this blind kid is walking by, and I intentionally put a chair in his path to potentially trip him up.  A teacher/coach sees me do this and freaks out on me.  I almost got sent home.  Someone gave the kid a heads up before he tripped on it.  Damn, I still feel shitty about that almost 40 yrs later.

    There's a new leader in clubhouse. Jesus, dude. 

  12. I was madly in love with a girl in high school for almost 3 years. She was so pretty and was always nice to me. Junior year I finally got enough courage to ask her out. She said sorry but no thanks and that she really liked me as a friend, I just wasn’t her romantic type. I believe I said something like “well you’re a fucking whore anyway” and ran off almost in tears. 

    I told anyone that would listen we had hooked up and that she was a stuck up bitch so they should stay away, but that she was great if they just wanted sex. I thought I had to do damage control since she’d tell all her friends how pathetic I was.

    It turned out she told no one about the encounter. Makes what I did all that much more shitty.

    • Like 2
  13. 47 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    Muzzle energy isnt always the best measure of potential damage to any given target. The fact that basic physics says that the same amount of energy must be transferred back into the shooter (unless he has the gun braces against something) should kinda tell you that it's more about how and how much of that energy is transferred into the target than the amount generated.

    Username checks out. 

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