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Posts posted by Helobious

  1. Great start to the season. I was disappointed about halfway through the episode because my prediction of "oh Dolores and her army are just going to leave Westworld and take over the human world by the end of the series" seemed to be coming true. That would've been really predictable and boring. I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen anymore. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    You ought to be orgasmic about the Red Sox losing their third game of the season so that the Yankees can pull within 6.5 games of the lead.

    Journey of 1,000 miles and all that. Sox getting no-hit has to be an omen of some sort, I feel good. 

    And “no one good goes to Indiana State to play baseball”? Jeff Degano would like a word. 

  3. They're similar in that they're both good academic schools, although I can't imagine they're similar in many other ways. I've been a casual fan of theirs ever since I was a kid, simply because alligators are my favorite animal. 

    They're down to 3 scholarship QB's at the moment, and they all largely suck. I think Mullen will get the team better though. People forget they've still won the SEC East 2 out of the last 3 years. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    The eyes of Texas are upon you
    The eyes of Texas are upon you
    All the live long days
    The eyes of Texas are upon you
    And you cannot get away

    Do not think you can escape them
    From night till early in the morn
    The eyes of Texas are upon you
    Till Gabriel blows his horn


    Somebody please highlight the racist parts for me.

    (Is there a verse I'm not aware of)

    "Till Gabriel blows his horn" always did sound a little homoerotic to me. "Horn" could have a hidden double-meaning for a male UT student who had a boyfriend named Gabriel. Looking at it that way, it may have actually been the most progressive song in the 1900's. Decades and decades ahead of its time. 

  5. Beto will get his clock cleaned on election day, I don't care if the current polls had him 60-40 over Cruz. Cruz had over 700,000 more people vote for him in the primary than Beto did. 

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  6. IIRC I was the lone person to predict 7-6 before last season started in that poll. Might've been one other person, but not more than that. 

    This year I'm picking a 7-5 regular season finish. A win over OU but a WTF loss to Baylor included. I also think UT loses the bowl game to once again finish 7-6. Hopefully that gets Beck out of here. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    60 is such a milestone homer.

    Plz let is know when he gets to 70!

    DM me your email and I’ll add you to my Judge fanclub newsletter. Daily updates on his baseball exploits and personal life.

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  8. One of my good friends from high school died of a heroin overdose in 2009, at the age of 18. He really was a good kid from a great family that just made some bad choices. He tried to straighten his life out by joining the marines, but it only made his problem worse. His death really tore up his family, especially his dad. His parents made a memorial garden for him in their backyard. In the middle of it there’s a stone with the inscription: “If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.”


    I still think about him often, about how life would be different for his family & friends if he was still here. 

  9. 45 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    Louisville’s offense had one drive that amounted to anything if I recall right. UF’s defense kicked their ass up and down the field and Bridgewater hit not a few miracle heaves to keep the chains moving at times. 

    Florida wins the game handily if they had even an average offense.  

    Louisville won 33-23, ran 68 plays for 336 yards, and possessed the ball over 10 minutes longer than Florida did. 

  10. 2 hours ago, UTexasFight said:

    Was thinking the same
    Part of it is due to the season starting a few days earlier than it ever has in the past, but does seem the weather has been worse than usual the first two weeks of April

    Have they announced a makeup for the Tigers/yankees doubleheader?
    That could become interesting late in the year

    It'll be made up on June 4th. 

  11. Just saw it. 

    Had a nerdgasm at the "I choose the form of Gundam" part. Loved that show as a kid and I had no idea it'd be referenced in the movie. Also liked how Mechagodzilla came in and wrecked shop. 



  12. Fun fact: Tyler Austin’s actually a cancer survivor. They got rid of the cancer, but it’s hard to eradicate all of the douche out of some people. It was a dirty slide, but it could’ve been way worse. He could’ve done it to a non-Red Sox player.

    • Fuck You 1
  13. Yankees win, haters gonna hate. Stanton & Sanchez’s bats seem to be awakening. 


    And I’d like to see a basebrawl where the players actually look like they’ve been in a fight before. They’re so pathetic. Austin falling down today was embarrasing, as was the Padres pitcher who went into a full backpedal as Arenado charged. Haven’t seen a good baseball fight since Odor straight clocked Bautista.

    • Fuck You 1
  14. 3 hours ago, TheFlagship said:

    The Yankees, to put it kindly, are getting skullfucked

    Aaron Jerdge homered and is off to a hot start this year. And at least no one died. Maybe tomorrow we’ll beat them 14-1. 

  15. I wouldn’t mind moving back to the valley one day, although it is growing pretty rapidly. It’s a bunch of small towns and small cities right next to each other. Really great food and a VERY laid back lifestyle. Plus the beach is right there. Wish it was more diverse though, I understand why non-hispanics usually aren’t a big fan of it.

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