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Everything posted by Helobious

  1. Ohio st had over 500 yards of offense in this game last year when Mich had their signals. Can’t imagine how much even better their offense will do now this year.
  2. The play he got rolled up on looked scary as hell but he’s lucky his foot didn’t get stuck in the turf. He came back after then got reinjured later and had to get carried to the locker room at half. Looked a little over dramatic given how fine he looked the rest of the game but painkillers are a hell of a drug. Tech player that got taken off in a cart was released from hospital and flew back with the team thankfully. I can’t remember a game with more injuries everywhere than last night.
  3. Why were the announcers talking about Bama like they have any chance in hell of beating Georgia?
  4. Is that the first Brownsville team to make a regional final? I can’t remember any
  5. Brownsville Vets up on PSJA North 45-14 in what may be the biggest upset in RGV playoff history. All those fights and chirping PSJAN got a rep for came to a head today. Easily 100+ penalty yards and I believe at least one player ejection. Vets never backed down or play scared and just flat out looked like the superior team.
  6. In a perfect world Michigan wins and then gets banned from the postseason by the NCAA in a few weeks, destroying every legit claim the Big 10 has for the CFP
  7. My parents weren’t even alive yet, if you want to feel old.
  8. Pop’s level of smugness is amazing to see. Hard to hang your hat on past success when you’re well on the way to a 5th losing season in a row.
  9. Everything in that movie that wasn’t a battle scene sucked ass
  10. Any estimates on how far it was airborne? That thing fucking flew. Looked like a good 20-25 yards
  11. Explosion isn’t the right word because that’s not what happened to the car imo. It’s more like it burst into flames.
  12. So no explosives in car, not a terrorist attack. Immediately you could tell from the video that the way the car blew up it was just from a collision. Just a couple dudes trying to run the checkpoint.
  13. Looks legit. So there were no “explosives” involved, car just hit a guardhouse going super fast and blew up.
  14. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say none. The fact these idiots blew themselves up screams lone wolves.
  15. A-Rod and Bonds were lifelong superstars that were great before steroids came along. Ramirez was a scrawny nobody before he took roids. To me that’s not a HOFer. Edit: so it turns out he was a first round pick and a multiple time all star with Cleveland in the 90s, so maybe he was legit. Ortiz on the other hand was not. At all.
  16. He’s been doing stand up for almost 15 years
  17. Me and ctj are into the same show? Show ruined. I think Skull Island is maybe the most important monsterverse movie for this show. Godzilla 2014 was made mostly as a stand-alone, before they knew they had a viable movie universe, but skull island was made to lay the foundation of it all. Watching those 2 would probably help with understanding the characters and Easter eggs. The latter 2 in the franchise maybe less so, as this series takes place before them.
  18. Judson (and their neighbor Roosevelt) has had problems for a long time, but talent isn’t really a big one for them even now. When they were last good in the mid 2010s they still played stupid and undisciplined. Several of their notable players were actual active, violent gang members that are now either dead or in prison for murder (like Kevin Luster and Jaylen Dears). Sam Houston HS is in the same part of town, same demographics, but an even worse neighborhood and they didn’t have any issues to that degree. It’s just weird. The current coaching staff has rid the program of those kinds of problem kids, but they just aren’t as good at coaching football.
  19. A-Rod, Beltran, Pettitte, and Sheffield imo. Brandon Phillips? Manny Ramirez? Bautista? Colon? Rollins? Is the only criteria having a 7+ year career now?
  20. Florida couldn’t beat most high school teams right now so FSU is safe there. I really think they could lose in the ACC championship though. I think Lanning is a fraud and that Oregon state could take them out. I think the loser of Mich-Ohio St gets left out. Is it not safe to say we have a pretty realistic shot at getting in?
  21. Only army/navy connection: My oldest uncle was literally in one of the last groups of people to be drafted to go fight in Vietnam. We pulled out and he ended up guarding some bridge in West Germany. He said they were told they were there mainly as a show of force and that if the communists ever actually did come over there was no backup coming and nowhere to retreat to, so good luck. so Go Army I guess?
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