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Everything posted by Pancho

  1. This is what a standard Black auntie sounds like
  2. That’s a hard 71 Maxine Waters is 86 and has more pep than Collins
  3. Huh? 16 years? its 100% possible for a 6th grader in 2014 to be a college senior right now. But let’s not derail this…
  4. I don’t want to be that guy because i don’t believe any fucking radical republican since all they do is lie, but it feels like kemp is trying to be the person known for getting America/reupblians back to normalcy. Him asking if he can replace those board of electors or whatever shocked the fuck out of me. Either he’s trying to make a name for himself for a prime run, he’s a good guy at heart, or he’s fucking everyone slowly with his shade.
  5. Saw a tweet the other day where some guy was basically saying turnip started running for president when he was in the 6th grade and now he’s a senior in college and turnip is still running for president. I can’t believe it’s been that long.
  6. Why do I get the feeling Walz will be at college football games and tailgates and then they will see that and unleash JV at a tailgate and he will look like this the whole time:
  7. Yeah I thought they got pissy because she wasn’t saluting so she started doing it. Now look….she looks like a fucking pro at it, fucking cucks.
  8. I don’t think I’ve seen a good pic of the inside of the practice digs
  9. Something has definitely changed with him the last year or so. He used to punch back a bit but now has gone soft.
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