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Everything posted by Pancho

  1. The fact that you think this political forum is “extreme” and “ultra liberal” speaks volumes.
  2. You know they were good speeches when Scott Jennings couldn’t even say anything bad and had to given them both props on the cnn
  3. It’s pretty hard to govern how you want when radical republicans are purposely making sure you fail. Forget that part?
  4. Notice how the crowd shuts up when he interrupts their chanting to continue the speech. That’s how you do it. He’s so unbelievably good at this. Every time I showed one of his speeches in class, I had to also show a radical republican and Christ the replies from students (even my R students) were like “Dr. Pancho, that wasn’t even close.”
  5. This is the Blackest I’ve seen Michelle in a speech, and I mean that in a good way. Melania will never be able to rip this off…
  6. Wow, what a great line “ [Most of us] willl never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth”
  7. Running against Hogan in Maryland. If all the folks in PG County come out to vote (you know who that is), Hogan has no shot no matter how far he tries to run from turnip. And Alsobrooks was born and raised in PG County.
  8. The last few pages of this thread = Getting it back on track before the speeches today:
  9. SEC schedule (dates) come out today, I think
  10. Mocking someone with ALS. Just sick fucks all around
  11. She didn’t but not for reasons people think. I thought this was pretty well known
  12. I wouldn’t give him credit that he realizes that. He’s just a douche.
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