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Everything posted by Pancho

  1. From the Denver Post:
  2. If you didn’t do it, you wouldn’t be afraid to say “no.” Come the fuck on
  3. When was the last story we heard about eating dogs and cats in Springfield?
  4. It’s A&M so… Hard r
  5. The thing about the Mo Bamba thing that they don’t realize is that our football team has been to plenty of UT basketball games where that is played like crazy. They think our players have never heard the song before or never heard of it being played in an athletic environment. It’s like they are special because of it when most fanbases started it years ago and have since stopped. But since A&M is doing it, it’s “awesome” and “omg intimidating!”
  6. So America is beholden to and, being run by, a foreigner
  7. Lulz
  8. Will Icono or JohnSack come out in support or against this, I truly don’t know
  9. I thought radical republicans were for freedom?
  10. I don’t know if it’s surprising or right on brand that UGA and Tennessee fans have picked up A&M’s juvenile antics and proclaim Texas paid for or heavily influenced the SEC to give us this schedule. Its like those people live for conspiracy theories because it’s easier than just applying logic and reasoning.
  11. So Morning Joe and Mika thought they were going to face government and legal harassment and that’s why they went to kiss the feet of turnip
  12. Really wish Lobo was still around as I’m looking for someone at UT to confirm this horseshit
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