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Ag with kids

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Everything posted by Ag with kids

  1. They were down at the bowl...between markers 263/264. That's about 5 miles from my house... No beach camping for me anymore....
  2. That really sucks to hear about Tip Top. I've got lots of memories as a kid chowing down there...
  3. Jacala off of West Ave for good Tex Mex. Tip Top Cafe for CFS My Dad grew up in SA (went to the old and new Edison HS). So, when we moved there we used to go to that area a lot.
  4. It's been 50 years since I've been there...it's my "homeland"...sort of. I'd like to go back, since I don't remember any of it (I was about 11 months old when we left).
  5. They're going to get rid of Shorty's? Well, THAT sucks...
  6. Yep. That's them. I've never met her, but he's a good guy. And that tuna steak is awesome... I'm on a Keto diet right now so I can't do the sushi, but the sushi is pretty good. And the oysters are always legit. They also have these crackers that they serve with them that are crazy good (wish I could eat them..fucking diet)
  7. I've never seen any coke in Scuttlebutt's and I've spent a lot of time there. The owner is a pretty good guy and seems to keep the place running well. You're right about the HH. Not just on drinks, but half price oysters/shrimp/crab/mussels/sushi. Really great deal.
  8. Scuttlebutt's is great. It's my regular watering hole. But, it's not the best place to watch football...TVs are too high up. You'll pull a neck muscle by the 4th Q...
  9. No problem...I expect to catch shit here...I'll live.🤙
  10. I live on N Padre... And I used to go to Port A all the time before I moved here. There wasn't any really great place to watch games in Port A. I went to Stingrays, but it was suboptimal... When I moved here last year, I literally went to every single place on the island that served beer and had TVs to figure out the best game watching place. Costa Sur was second, only because I like to drink Shiner and they didn't have it on tap. Otherwise, it would be #1 on NPI. And both Boathouse and Costa Sur are better than any place I went to in Port A...may have changed after Harvey, though. Btw, if you come down here, I'll buy you a beer, just because...
  11. I watch all my games at the Boathouse on N Padre Island. Not that far of a drive from Port A...
  12. I don't have it yet, but having been through MCO several times this year, it would DEFINITELY help there.
  13. Ah, OK...sounds like that's a targeted offer. My GF and I both just have the 60K points for the regular Amex Plat.
  14. This is for the Amex Plat Business. Requires $25K spend in first 3 months. 50K MR after $10K spend and the other 50K MR after another $15K spend. Amex Plat is 60k MR for $5K spend in 3 months
  15. I've seen how people say that when getting a personal card, never put your spouse/partner as an authorized user. You should double up with each of you getting your own card and thus double the points. However, does that work the same with a business card? I've got an LLC with my GF. I've got several Amex business cards in my name. However, I didn't put her as an authorized user/employee. I was hoping we could double up with her applying for her own business card under her name so that she could also get the bonus offer too. Will they allow her to do that? Or will they reject it since the card is actually tied to our LLC and it has already received the bonus.
  16. You can check out the British Airways website to see how it works. I've never used them but I've seen how others have said they're pretty damn good in terms of redemption rates. So, I figured getting an extra 40% for your MR points might be handy info here. This chart seems to indicate they're pretty good... https://pointstobemade.boardingarea.com/avios-award-chart/
  17. This may interest some of y'all here. Amex has a deal right now where you can transfer your MR to Avios at the rate of 1000 MR = 1400 Avios. Nice 40% bonus. Deal is valid till 10/1/2019
  18. I didn't say ANYTHING about them overcharging me. I said that, if they're getting paid $15/hr to serve food, they're making plenty of money and there's no reason for me to tip them. I don't tip the fast food people that make and bring me my food because they're getting paid to do that. Now, if they gave EXCEPTIONAL service, I might toss down a few bucks as a personal reward, but for just normal service, sorry.... Tipping 15/20% is done because the workers get paid a minimal hourly wage and then the tip is essentially the payment for their labor services. It's the way the pay structure is set up. So, since that's the basis for my position, why would this do anything for me at Amazon...unless it raised my prices and I could find the items cheaper elsewhere? I couldn't care less what companies decide to pay their workers, other than how it affects the prices they charge me. Note that I said "what companies decide to pay". The government making them pay that amount would be a TOTALLY different thing.
  19. Ag with kids


    For some reason, I think this stuff will get turned into some kind of reality game one of these days.... They're running out of plots...
  20. Oh, please explain to me all that you know about deism. You seem so knowledgeable. I'm sure that's exactly what you practice, right?
  21. I do know what deism is...I've been a deist for a long time. Let me 'splain it to you: There is a god. Welp...we're done.
  22. I forgot...you live in the echo chamber here. I will say...TexAgs can be a conservative echo chamber, but, you're getting close to Democratic Underground level here... It's cool, though. I know how to say fuck off.
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