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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by rivin

  1. These guys are really bad at defense.
  2. Zubia is the best base runner, change my mind.
  3. Hell yes!
  4. lol nice bunt
  5. You love to see it
  6. I hate everything.
  7. Brutal
  8. What is this camera work?
  9. In for $30, I guess. A good showing from Texas baseball this weekend would go a long way to ending this shitty ass week on a good note. Bonus points if Texas basketball shows up too.
  10. It would be cool if someone would make a shot.
  11. No Texas basketball this week is disappointing.
  12. Who are these guys haha
  13. Great game, really enjoying basketball this season!
  14. HELL YES
  15. Waking up finally!
  16. Nice pass, nice 3
  17. Holy shit Coleman!
  18. Ramey is frustrating to watch more often than not.
  19. AJ1 looking excellent tonight!
  20. I like watching basketball this season.
  21. 3s just falling for us all game today!
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