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Everything posted by 4Pete

  1. The way the bike riders dart around that area, I'm amazed it doesn't happen more. I've seen too many close calls over the years.
  2. Somebody shoots my dog, they're getting shot, too. We may all die, but they aren't getting out unscathed unless they kill me first.
  3. He's good at social media. Gotta give him that.
  4. I really just fucking hate Tom Brady. It's irrational. I get it. I just really, really hate him. I don't care if people scream GOAT! from now until doomsday. I just hated him then, I hate him now and I will hate him forever.
  5. I kept rooting for someone to run up a kick that fucker square in the balls just for having that shitty look on his smug face.
  6. Satisfying. Very satisfying.
  7. I don't think she cares any more about that kid than she does her wardrobe or Botox RNs. He's either going to have a helluva tell-all book or he's going to Menendez someone.
  8. That Amy Klobuchar. She's sharp. I like her. She's like Velma from Scooby Doo in the BEST way.
  9. I just said these exact two things. He's Teflon Don. And he's got Mitch the Bitch in his size 48 waist trouser pockets.
  10. Mitch's Shutdown. He's such a feckless bitch. I'm so glad I don't have to fly. TSA and ATC should all take tomorrow off. Maybe have a long weekend and throw Monday in, too.
  11. Adam Schiff must be positively giddy right now.
  12. Conspiring to corrupt justice? So... I'm sure this means nothing. I'm sure he'll be fine with Francine Graham curled up next to him and Yertle the Turtle running the Senate. Still... dirty fuckers. I can't wait for more dominos to fall.
  13. I hate Dannie Goeb more than practically anyone else in the state of Texas. He and that other carpetbagging asshole, Ted Cruz, can both burn on a pyre while the rest of us sing Texas Our Texas. Fuckers.
  14. It's funny... none of this will make a difference or mean a GD thing. We're all numb to the daily bombshell. They'll just say that investigation came up empty and there's no evidence, blah blah blah. Insert Leslie Nielsen "nothing to see here. please disperse." gif.
  15. Were hoping to play the Chiefs. Felt slighted. Couldn't bring themselves to care.
  16. 4Pete


    fantastical. hallucinative. pathological.
  17. 4Pete


    Texas put in the work. Showed up and meant business. DKR would have been so proud.
  18. Dave South. No bigger homer in spots. I bet he never goes a day not wearing moron... I mean maroon. I always just figured he'd die at the mic. Seemed like a way he'd want to go. I guess the disappointment got to him. Maybe he'll take up golf.
  19. I'm telling you... the GA fans in New Orleans were aggressive before the game. Taunting us. Mocking our record. Laughing at our past few years. Of course, when reminded that we have more hardware, that shut some of them up, but some just kept at it. They were so full of themselves. They needed to be put in their place. Glad that the Horns did it and did it with emphasis.
  20. He's not a journalist. He's ill-equipped in word-smithing, lacking in any grammatical consistency, and incapable of coherently expressing his thoughts above a 6th grade level. He has "inside sources" that are mostly gossipy bullshitters and jock-sniffers. Calling him a member of the media is hilariously incorrect. He's a self-important, pube-chinned sports pundit at best. He's not a journalist. He's barely literate.
  21. best day of my life. will never forget it. start to finish, just a great day and that atmosphere was electric. Didn't miss a game that year. Best money I ever spent.
  22. This is not a well person. Not physically, not intellectually, and sure as shit not mentally.
  23. It's almost like people who have no business around livestock shouldn't be around livestock... and certainly not with DOGS. Show some GD sense. I trust the Spurs and the Bakers. It's the "let's get cute" TV producers and PR flacks I question.
  24. In other words, he's what's wrong with America. Exactly.
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