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Everything posted by 4Pete

  1. He's only a little junior fattie compared to some of their old blubbery walrus-looking assholes parked around the Warehouse District on Tuesday morning. I feared for the chairs and barstools of many fine establishments. They can choke on their peanut oil-fried peach pies.
  2. Been thinking this will be a fun team to watch this year. Like the swagger. I've also said that before... maybe this is a year it works out.
  3. That house is dirty and cluttered as hell. Where's the SEC pride when it comes to housekeeping and tidiness? For Pete's sake, do the GD dishes, at least.
  4. I thought the crowd was fairly evenly split, but I had been drinking for 72 hours by the time kickoff rolled around. When it started to thin out toward the end of the game, it looked like a good number of burnt orange clusters in the GA sections, too. But maybe I was whiskey-blind by then. IDK.
  5. He'll probably mellow over the years, but if XV is a feistier steer than the other recent Bevos, so be it. Don't antagonize him. Those were unfamiliar and unusual circumstances. Sometimes they just get spooked. Even some of the more gentle giants our much younger family members could lead around would get a bee in their bonnets every once in awhile. Maybe he didn't like his scent or a sound. It seems to me that in the late 80s/early 90s, XII or XIII took exception to a particularly yappy corps bitch one Thanksgiving in Memorial Stadium. I mean... don't mess with a steer if you don't want the horns.
  6. HA! Exactly. Except these dogs don't have weight problems, mobility issues and breathing problems like most of the ones from Georgia... on or off the field. We're going to watch the Bevo-Uga part 45 times in a row to reinforce why they can't go in the pasture off-leash and unsupervised.
  7. Damn that was fun. Let's do it again next year. What a beautiful team effort from a bunch of kids with skill and swagger. Can't wait to see them build on this. That win was all the sweeter because of all the fat-fucking Georgia geezers talking shit throughout the Quarter and Uptown for two solid days. Honestly, they have a tiny fraction of the hardware our program has. They were so smug and insolent about playing us. They can go home in their soiled pants that were pulled up their man-tits and try to avoid their morbid obesity-fired heart failure. I also hope they choke on this for months... at least until they play the gomers. And Fromm(age) seems like a cheesy little bitch. NOLA is always great, but there's no place like Whataburger... and then watching the replay and hanging with the dogs.
  8. I dropped my ticket a few sections over to $100 each and still can't sell them. This is pathetic.
  9. I'm not pissed at the tickets per se. I'm pissed that I have two extra by a strange stroke of bad luck and will be stuck with unsold mediocre tickets at a ridiculous charge. And why won't the assholes at StubHub let me photo-post them? Nobody is buying these by Saturday. No more LHF tix EVER. MAybe just season tickets. MAYBE.
  10. The next time I make the right decision about Texas tickets will be the first time in 20 years. They fuck me every time.
  11. I hope all of your relatives kick its ass. Punch that fucking monster in the face for all the ones that couldn't (like my mom, my gran, my aunts, etc...). And in the mean time, get all the stories and memories you can. It's never too soon for any of us to do that.
  12. No way McConnell and Ryan didn't know anything either. That seems very unlikely.
  13. Why is our OL allergic to winning? I know being an OL is hard. It just is, but JFC.
  14. Vaginitis is rampant in the OU d right now.
  15. I feel like Kyler and Cougar Ed could compare conscientious objector stories.
  16. creed humphrey is the main fucking holding cheater, too.
  17. OU is a bunch of dirty cheaters. We know this. The Big 12 refs have added incentive to make sooner-favorable calls. Noted. The Horns still can't self-destruct. They are totally in free fall right now.
  18. When it rains, it pours.
  19. Getting away with a little movement. Getting away with a lot of holding. Par for the course.
  20. 4Pete

    LSU @ aggy

    At this point, I just don't even fucking care. I'm too over this to go find the Jimmy vs Timmy gif, but that's exactly what this is now.
  21. 4Pete

    LSU @ aggy

    Umpire with the key block... typical.
  22. 4Pete

    LSU @ aggy

    Good God... these refs have lake houses in Caldwell or something? WTF?!?!
  23. 4Pete

    LSU @ aggy

    Outside of a Texas / Okie State game, you mean.
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