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Mojo Hand

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Everything posted by Mojo Hand

  1. The end part of my quote cited a poll that showed PRs were for Scott over Nelson. There were also stories after the election that the data showed they swung the election R, like: https://www.latinorebels.com/2018/11/23/scottpuertorico/ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/417918-puerto-ricans-may-have-elected-rick-scott-and-other-midterm-surprises
  2. He gets away with it because Puerto Rican natives in Florida mostly don't vote, and the ones who do actually favor Republicans. If Puerto Ricans had swung Florida hard for Dems in 2018, Trump would have been forced to give a shit about Puerto Rico. But because it didn't cost him, he didn't need to change a thing:
  3. They're Trump's closest friends. He hasn't gotten them to do dick for America.
  4. Boar on the floor was way too much.
  5. This is shaping up to be an amazing confluence of seemingly unrelated, bizarre Trump stories.
  6. Probably because Biden corrects himself, either immediately or later, while Trump repeats the same lies over and over again. And because Biden does it a few times a week, and Trump averages at least 10 significant lies per day.
  7. The "pro-life" crowd shrugs and says, "sucks to be him!"
  8. I think her stance is the right answer, period. It's not a referendum. Nobody's health care plan is getting rubber-stamped into law. There will be a compromise plan. The only question is whether you start the negotiation with a plan that is already compromised or your best ask with some room to negotiate from. Liz's stance is: my ask is full, single payer, MFA, and whatever the final bill is, it will be as close to that as possible, because that's what I'm fighting for. I think that will most likely turn into some sort of Medicare for all who want it as the final compromise. Which would be fantastic. I think the Dems who are starting with that plan will get something closer to Obamacare + a public option that isn't as good as Medicare buy-in for all who want it. And I think Biden will get some minor tweaks to Ocare. It's just how things usually go with negotiations.
  9. And a couple lies on the other side vs 12,000 by Trump make the smug bothsiders nod along.
  10. And W walked into a recession. Trump was handed a much better economy.
  11. Even his ISIS strategy was essentially doing nothing and letting the Obama response reach the conclusion to which it was already heading. And now ISIS is growing again.
  12. Getting ready for the annual Purge party...
  13. Trump doesn't bow and apologize to foreign dictators. He kneels and sucks.
  14. MAGA on the sign. It's literally a klan slogan.
  15. I talked to someone who knows her about two years ago. I told him I thought she had a good chance of winning if she ran. He told me unequivocally that she has no chance. Said she has absolutely no charisma. I guess he was right. I like her more than any other establishment candidate, but she has really underperformed her position and her fundraising.
  16. Listening to 8/24/72 Berkeley on TIGDH on SiriusXM. The energy level of 1972 is unreal.
  17. I'm pretty ignorant on what is going on with the debate issue, but isn't there a climate forum on CNN coming up with all of the major Dem candidates? Is that not sufficient? Honest question.
  18. Both of you, remember to install strap locks on those bad boys. Take it from me, the owner of this Les Paul that fell off its strap one night You can always return it to stock by taking the strap locks out, but you can never return a cracked headstock to stock.
  19. They were released nationwide on August 12, so they're still very new.
  20. Also, none of them are standing!
  21. It's like a casting call for the klan wife in blackkklansman
  22. I'm old enough to remember when Trump promised a 10% middle class tax cut right before the 2018 elections.
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