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Mojo Hand

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Everything posted by Mojo Hand

  1. OK, it's pretty good and better than Chick-fil-A, but damn when are the lines going to die down? They're out the door at the two in my area every time I drive by.
  2. No president has squandered what he inherited from his predecessor more than Trump.
  3. Lulz. Trump supporters have no self-awareness.
  4. Hinting is a funny way of characterizing "I hereby order." He's explicitly telling them leave "voluntarily" or else face a sanctions regime under the IEEPA.
  5. Sadly, usually not on the people who voted for and supported the racist traitors. This woman, as stupid as she is, and as shitty a person as she must be for supporting Trump for other reasons, still has her Obamacare because of the very Democrats she opposed and probably continues to oppose. She'll vote for Trump again, even as he tries to get rid of her pre-existing conditions protection.
  6. I'm using the standard pitcher that it came with. Not sure the size, but I noticed the guy in that video used one pitcher for two different cups, so maybe I'm using too much milk. Your last example clearly had less milk that I use — was that a double shot? I don't want to waste milk by pouring half out, so maybe I should try a smaller pitcher. I'm getting plenty of volume, so it sounds like my problem is not enough whirlpool time to make the foam finer? That is, I should try to complete the stretching as quickly as I can while maintaining the quality of the initial foam (i.e., small bubbles), then try to get the strongest possible vortex to break them up even more.
  7. Well, we can both agree that he sucks and hope he isn't the nominee.
  8. It's not just a Republican talking point. The FBI investigation wasn't a joke and found that every element of a crime was satisfied but the mens rea, which wasn't even a statutory element but which Comey (reasonably) concluded was an implicit requirement. Nobody knew how the investigation would play out. It's nuts to support someone under such circumstances, and it turned out to be decisive when the investigation was revived at the last second. And I don't think Wisconsin voters were reading her platform when she failed to stop by after the convention. Hell, she visited Arizona a few days before the election. She paid the rust belt lip service but took it for granted.
  9. If you mean she'd be better at running the levers of government, I agree. As a candidate trying to win, the zombie is better.
  10. That's not entirely accurate. They passed a measure to block it and it passed the Senate too. Just not enough Republicans to override the veto. Then they sued, and a Trump appointee dismissed on standing grounds (even through a different court allowed House Republicans to sue to stop Obamacare), and they have appealed. Meanwhile the Supreme Court, ruling 5-4 along partisan lines, lifted an injunction that blocked Trump from spending the money while the litigation plays out. There's not much the House Dems can do about it. He gets away with it purely because of Republicans.
  11. I don't see how that's possible. She was the subject of an ongoing FBI investigation and took the industrial Midwest for granted against a candidate who focused entirely on the white working class. Even Dementia Biden won't lose any state she won and is more likely to win a few she lost, IMO.
  12. I saw on Twitter that he's taking the red-eye to the G7 and he doesn't like to sleep on planes, so it should be an interesting night.
  13. She's clearly had an eye on this job for some time now.
  14. The annoying thing is, she hasn't had to face the consequences of her votes because Democrats are fighting the very people she voted for. It'll take faces getting eaten by leopards for some people to actually give credit where credit is due.
  15. This was it, I remember her getting scared at the end when the interviewer made her actually confront the cognitive dissonance: https://www.vox.com/2016/12/13/13901874/obamacare-trump-voter-health-insurance-repeal
  16. They are. They were and are still too dumb to pick up on Trump and Co. wanting to take away their Obamacare, and that's been trumpeted as loudly as you can promise to do anything. I remember an interview early on with a woman in ill health who only had health insurance and medical care because of Obamacare but who still voted for Trump. The interviewer asked, how can you have voted for someone who promises to get get rid of your health insurance? Her response was, "oh he would never actually do it! We depend on it too much, they can't really take it away."
  17. What do you think are the risks of the NSA knowing what medications I take and my cholesterol levels? I'm not minimizing the importance of the privacy of medical data, but what should I be imagining as worst case scenario? Because we can all picture the worst case scenario for pre-crime based on eavesdropping.
  18. The only way to stop that is by not creating the system in the first place.
  19. Psychiatrist notes are usually held to an even higher privacy standard than other medical information. Many psychiatrists keep them on paper just to prevent them from being hacked. I'm sure a diagnosis used for insurance purposes will be recorded in some electronic form, but I doubt shrinks will be forced to enter their therapy notes in a government database. Any such proposal would be DOA the second it becomes part of any rule or law. And I would post my concerns here, too. Yeah, I guess I am hung up on the Echo thing. Seems kind of important to me. It's not a direct quote, but the article says those devices are specifically listed in the proposal. If it's such a minor detail to the overall research, that's great. All the more reason to raise these concerns publicly so it gets dropped and the research goes on without it.
  20. Yes. They are identical to millions of devices in other people's homes. What works on one works on all.
  21. The proposal is already dead? I hadn't seen that. Sounds like you are personally involved or something? To be clear, I didn't say lab data and physician notes; I said psychiatrist notes would be comparable information. You know, the notes of what people tell a shrink during therapy. A system to digitize them in a central government database and analyze them to predict violent behavior would worry me for the same reasons as home assistant data analysis. I don't think that would exist under MFA, but if it would, I would strongly oppose it. I wouldn't bar all research by any stretch. Just the development of government systems to predict behavior from data captured from personal devices as to which we have some expectation of privacy. I don't see why that would be so dramatically stifling to medical research.
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