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Mojo Hand

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Everything posted by Mojo Hand

  1. Well, one way would be to prevent the government from collecting this information in the first place. Let private institutions conduct the research. Fund it with government dollars. Use the results of the studies to craft legislation. But don't collect the data in a government agency. Don't develop government-run "artificial intelligence" to identify "aberrant" people using data collected from Apple Watches, Google Echos, and Amazon Alexas. The potential for abuse is limitless.
  2. It's not a acontextual. The context is that the program will also be using personal listening devices like "Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo and Google Home" to collect data, along with our electronic medial records. The context is that it's the government doing this in a new, dedicated agency section, with all of the powers of government. The context is that it's being proposed as the solution to gun violence, along with the idea of building a legion of new mental institutions. The policy being, ban the people who might commit gun violence, not the guns. And this isn't just about Trump. He's just the useful idiot who will get this ball rolling. As you should be able to appreciate, many people on both sides have proven more than happy to expand government intrusion into our lives through surveillance as a response to a threat to public safety. And locking crazies up in newly built mental institutions is a convenient way of getting outside of our criminal justice system. If you aren't chilled by a dedicated government entity identifying future criminals through analysis of personal medical data and google/amazon listening devices, with the potential power fill mental institutions with potential gun threats, then I don't know why you've ever pretended to care about government surveillance at all.
  3. Holy shit, you weren't kidding. Republicans always claim that Dems will turn us into Venezuela, while Trump is literally doing things that Chavez or Maduro would do.
  4. Trump so desperately wants the Fed to prop up the economy until November 4, 2020, no matter how disastrous the consequences. Hell, he'd probably love an even more massive recession hitting after he's re-elected. He can use it to justify whatever awful policies he wants.
  5. So Trump is appointing our enemies to major positions of power? Actually, that does sound about right.
  6. Did you actually read he story? If invasion of privacy and government monitoring have nothing to do with it, why is the promise not to invade privacy with government monitoring literally the cornerstone of the project? Engage your brain, indeed:
  7. Is it really that easy to install yourself? Shut off the water, drain, disconnect pipes, replace, reverse order about it? How heavy are they empty?
  8. Don't worry, guys, Trump's people are promising they won't do this without permission!
  9. Do you really need to turn the steam off, put the pitcher in place, and then turn it back on? I just plunge it right in real fast while the steam is spraying and it causes no problems.
  10. That's just about the perfect encapsulation of what I've wasted many a word trying to express here. Enough with defense, it's time to go on offense.
  11. Yeah. It's also a good sign of stamina for an older candidate. But do most other candidates have the time to do it? That's a lot of hours spent not on the phone with high-value donors.
  12. Our water heater is from around 1994 and corroding around the pipes and our AC guy said we need to replace it soon. Does one first buy a water heater at an appliance store and then hire someone to install it, like with a dishwasher, or do you hire a company to both provide the water heater and install, like with AC/heaters? And is there anything I should specifically be looking for to distinguish between water heaters? Thanks!
  13. No, there's been a consistent, small anti-Israel movement on the left for years, but if anything it's become less anti-semitic over time. Meanwhile there is a significant, rising anti-semitic movement on the right, and president Trump is feeding it with the most anti-semitic comments from an American leader that I've seen in many years.
  14. Hahahah. Nikki Haley knifes Pence in the back with the old "deny rumors to make the rumors happen" routine. Without even denying the rumors! Classic.
  15. Just imagine if Obam—ah, fuck it.
  16. I don't know anything about Wayne Allyn Root, but I don't think I've ever heard a more serial killer/mass shooter name.
  17. I was too, was CNN doing the delay? If so, what is the point of delaying without correcting the lies on a sidebar?
  18. Hey remember when Republicans mocked Dems as thinking Obama was the messiah?
  19. Rand Paul voted for the single largest contributor to the debt increase on that chart.
  20. I can only conclude you're being intentionally obtuse at this point. I had no idea you were this disingenuous. Hasta la vista.
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