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Mojo Hand

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Everything posted by Mojo Hand

  1. You think she was lying about being polically active because...
  2. Hey, as long as we're buying counties that aren't for sale, let's just buy China! Then we can make them do whatever we want.
  3. Because she gave a speech to the federalist society in the 80s or 90s?
  4. We should buy Canada, too. And maybe Sweden.
  5. How did Edward Snowden get back in the country?
  6. To be clear, I think it's fantastic, if it's part of an actual legalization plan. But I'm not wild about non-enforcement of federal laws that remain on the books. And certainly not as the main proposal; if that's what you're going to do, at least push for the real thing and then fall back on executive action if congress doesn't act.
  7. I don't understand. Under Bernie's plan, the federal government will establish safe injection sites where use of drugs will not be a federal crime, thus letting states and cities decide what to allow? Only injectable drugs or is it all drugs?
  8. What drugs would Bernie legalize (at the safe injection sites)?
  9. If there really are good Republicans out there, they'll vote for Warren over Trump.
  10. Who did you think would win the last election in August 2015?
  11. What's with all this homeless guy talk? His daddy gave him a name. Then he walked away.
  12. So Biden was the guy in charge of getting the Republicans in Congress to pass all of Obama's stuff and approve his judges? Glad to know that Biden is the one to blame.
  13. Yeah, I can't help but laugh when I see posters who voted for Trump saying things on this board as if they think they're serious people who anyone else takes seriously. I just block 'em at this point. I don't know why anyone even bothers responding to people like Onboard beyond, "you voted for Trump," which says it all. It's like if Lyndon Larouche voters showed up. You're a total joke, not even worth the effort of a passing thought.
  14. Is there anything major set to sunset in the next few years that the president can undo by mere inaction? FISA renewal in a few years, maybe?
  15. Yeah but losing again for Senate is a bigger career setback than coming up short for president. Texas is going blue at some point soon, but this year it will still be very tough. Beto is only 46. A few years in the cabinet and he could be a lock in a Cruz rematch in 2024, with an incumbent Dem up for re-election on the same ballot.
  16. Media coverage influences perceptions, but good candidates influence media coverage. I don't know how you separate one from the other. If a candidate is unable to use the media to his or her advantage, it makes that person a bad candidate, in terms of ability to win. I don't see any support for this notion that the polling shifts are media-driven rather than candidate-driven, even if identifiable trends in media coverage did precede the bumps and dips (and I haven't seen evidence for that, either).
  17. But the preference polls haven't shown even a correlation between Pete and Warren support. He's stayed stable; she's on a solid incline. Where are you getting this Pete-to-Warren thing from?
  18. I've seen this notion, from Mooch and others, that Trump isn't a racist, because he sees all people as objects and only cares about what they can do for him. But seeing people as objects isn't inconsistent with racism. We discriminate between objects and categories of objects all the time. For example, I think Gibson guitars are generally superior to Epiphone guitars. Trump can see white and black and latinx people as objects while still thinking that white people are generally superior to people of other races.
  19. If that were true, Pete's electability among Dems and poll numbers should reflect that drop. Instead, it's been pretty stable and gone up slightly: 32 in June and 35 now, according to that poll, and his poll numbers have hovered between 5-7 percent while Warren shot up 10+ points over the same period.
  20. Gillum would be perfect if he had a couple years of higher level experience.
  21. If she picked Warren Buffett as a running mate, the ticket would be Warren Buffett.
  22. Like any politician, there could be skeletons in her closet we don't yet know about. To use the most obvious hypothetical, if an application turned up in which she claimed NA status to get a clear advantage, she'd suddenly be in big trouble. She's looking good so far, but you never know.
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