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Mojo Hand

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Everything posted by Mojo Hand

  1. Didn't see it posted, but Warren is attending that Native American presidential forum. Good move, lean in as much as possible on that.
  2. A cop literally killed a black dude who picked up a pellet gun that was for sale at a Walmart. Nothing happened to the cop or citizen who called them, of course. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/09/25/ohio-wal-mart-surveillance-video-shows-police-shooting-and-killing-john-crawford-iii/
  3. IMO the fact that there is a real competition for the nomination among several major candidates reflects the most important lesson learned.
  4. There are like 60 gender options on facebook alone. There are genders like aporagender and novigender and maverique. It's a wild world out there. Edit: There are 196 gender identity entries on gender wiki: https://gender.wikia.org/wiki/Category:Gender_Identities
  5. My ultimate argument for Warren's electability is that she's the best person to unite the Hillary and Bernie factions of the party (along with everyone else).
  6. Another day, another Trump Terrorist I looked this dude up on Google and found this irony gem from him: "her Campaign began focusing VERY HEAVILY on Identity Politics and the usual ad nausea of “Character Assassination” of most of the voting class (i.e. “Basket of Deplorables”, “Trump is Literally Hitler Guys! If you vote for Trump! THEN YOU’RE A NAZI!”, etc.) and while IT WOULD HAVE worked it ended up backfiring HORRIBLY (people wore ALL of those insults like badges AND they kept their opinions to themselves lest they be shamed on The Mainstream Media WHICH they took to The Voting Booths)." https://www.quora.com/profile/Conor-Climo Also, the feds must have pulled his Twitter page, but there was this remnant online: Also, TELL ME AGAIN who the "basket of deplorables" are!? — Conor Climo (@conor579c) November 20, 2016
  7. You must not know any Hillary PUMAs. There are enough of them that it will kill a campaign to attack her like that. They still hold it against Bernie that he had the gall to run against her and delay the anointing.
  8. It would have been funny if Joe had said, "How many genders are there? Seriously? What is this, 2014? Frankly, I'm a little offended that you would try to reduce a rich, wide spectrum of gender identities to a number."
  9. The other thing is that "Washington outsider" is much less positive to me than a lot of other people. It took Bill Clinton awhile to get up and running and figure things out. Obama had a few years under his belt and got up and running fast, but even still completely miscalculated how to deal with congressional Republicans. I want someone who knows what's what and hits the ground running.
  10. No doubt. It's just one data point. The problem for me is that there are relatively few of them for me to consider for a 37-year-old small town mayor. 20 billionaires could donate to Warren today and my opinion of her wouldn't change because of all the other things I know about her from a long career.
  11. That's true; I meant compared to the big change candidates on the left. If the billionaire thing is an accurate signal, and Pete falls in with Biden and Harris, that would justify my concerns about him.
  12. My biggest concern about Pete is definitely that I can't assess how hard he will work for the big changes on which he is campaigning. I'm not saying that he's a liar; he seems pretty genuine. Nor do I think he's weak. I just don't know what he's willing to use his political capital for when push comes to shove. With the kinds of political reform he's pushing, it would be pretty easy to throw up his hands in office and say, "I tried but there's not much I can do," and then play the part of generic corporate Democrat. There are two top candidates like that for me: Pete, based on his minimal track record, and Harris, based on her consistent obfuscation and contradictions. I know what Bernie and Warren will fight for (and I like it). I know what Biden will fight for (and I like it a lot less). Even Beto, whose policy positions are less distinguishing, I believe that he'll fight hard from the heart. With Pete, all I really know is that I'll be getting a smart, interesting guy who's willing to consider new ideas. Which is light years ahead of Trump, but not enough in the primary. The other thing with Pete is that he's getting a lot of donations from billionaires, who generally have a strong interest in not making structural changes. Maybe he's found a bunch of really socially conscious billionaires, but I don't know why they'd zero in on him alone.
  13. We'll see. People often say shit like that to vent and because they think a big public backlash will make their candidate change positions, but that doesn't mean they really mean it.
  14. Pete's success, aside from being exceptionally smart and a great communicator, is in his focus on major political reform. Obama was conventional in every respect. Pete is conventional on policy, but is on the revolutionary side with things like court packing and eliminating the filibuster, both of which Bernie opposes. The things he wants to get done would have an enormous impact on our country.
  15. Why is it not fantasy to believe that such a revolution could actually happen?
  16. And they dragged the poor baby out of recovery at home back to the hospital just so Trump could get the photo up.
  17. Damn how is Steyer getting 2-3% in so many states? Is he paying people off or something?
  18. Trump cult: The left calls everyone a racist, it's total bullshit, there are hardly any examples of real racism, and it's morally wrong to throw around the term like that! Also Trump cult: Hollywood is racist. The Squad is racist. Elijah Cummings is racist. The Democrat Party is racist. The Left is racist.
  19. That's great parody. That is parody, right?
  20. He's super fast, but other than the speed it's pretty basic. I slowed it down, and the first part is just straight E minor pentatonic, the middle is D minor pentatonic, and then he does an E minor (aeolian) scale pattern before ending with E minor pentatonic. He hardly even throws in a passing note or rhythm change; it's all just straight up and down the scales vertically and then moving to a different position horizontally. Practice your pentatonics, boys! Edit: someone mentioned Eruption above, and I just put that on to compare. Eddie starts in A minor pentatonic but almost immediately does a weird pull-off to the open B string followed by the tritone D# note at the 6th fret and goes from there. Much more advanced and difficult.
  21. What about checking nearly every box?
  22. They only don't matter if you're the leader of a personality cult. And when you're his age, people start to suspect that it's more than just verbal gaffes.
  23. You may be a psychiatrist, in which case I wouldn't argue because I'm no expert, but I've read a lot of things from experts that conflicts with the first part of what you said. Sociopathy/ASPD is a disorder characterized by total lack of empathy and conscience. A sociopath's other characteristics, like intelligence or drive to be successful, vary just like any other person. There are extremely charming sociopaths, but also sociopaths who try to be charming but fail because they come off as fake. The characteristics we commonly associate with sociopaths are skewed because we most often hear about the ones who become serial killers or CEOs, but they are in all walks of life with all sorts of other traits. It's pretty clear to me that Trump has both narcissistic personality disorder AND antisocial personality disorder (sociopathy), which is known as malignant narcissism.
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