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Mojo Hand

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Everything posted by Mojo Hand

  1. The cool thing about human beings is that they usually figure out a way to do that for themselves.
  2. Who's that bald guy supposed to be? Doesn't look like Stephen Miller.
  3. And everyone who says, "I don't support this president, but the things he is doing are done by both sides," are supporting this president by their deflections.
  4. With this tweet from their leader, the GOP is officially, explicitly, and unapologetically a white nationalist party.
  5. And the same guy who bizarrely claims that his dad was born in Germany.
  6. When donut-fetching Republican half-wits claim that they have no responsibility for the things Trump does, just remember how emboldened he is to do everything he does by their support: Trump is, of course, lying about his rating and that of previous Republican presidents, but he's still consistently in the high 80s among Republicans, and it makes him feel secure that he can get away with what he's doing.
  7. Doesn't look like anything to me.
  8. Just got into Schitt's Creek and am surprised at how much I like it. 3 seasons in so far, great show.
  9. It's sad what a fraud he turned out to be.
  10. It's hard to fathom a human being doing that, much less one who professes to be godly. And then to lie about it later! Pence is just a terrible person.
  11. The Democratic majority exists because of Trump. And the reason we needed to claw back one house of Congress in the first place is because of moderate Democrats. For the first time in a long time, though, I have hope.
  12. And vote for who else, exactly? Voting third party only helps Republicans. The way to improve the party is by voting for better Democrats. Which includes primarying bad ones, like the Justice Dems have done, which is why the AOC group is there to begin with. My rep is pretty progressive, has come out for impeachment hearings, and voted no on the Senate border bill. My city has lurched to the left in local elections. And I've got Warren for president. So I don't see any need to vote for anyone else.
  13. Sure, fail like continuing to win a majority in the House only to pass nothing and rubber stamp Mitch McConnell's bills without change. When that is "success," the Dems have absolutely failed. Or when your biggest "wins" over the last 25 years are enacting the Heritage Foundation's health care plan, welfare "reform," and the crime bill. It's like when aggy finished 3rd in their division but in the top ten and thought they were elite. When that's your best, you are losing more generally. Winning for the Dems should mean enacting actual progressive policies, and losing should mean getting shit like Obamacare through as a compromise with the right. That's the situation the right has achieved — winning for them is the most awful of right-wing policies, and losing is when the Dems enact the conservative health care plan and take the blame for its shitty parts.
  14. Including one of Trump's own nominees to the fed: https://beta-washingtonpost-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/beta.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/07/03/trump-fed-nominee-judy-shelton-once-advocated-open-borders-with-mexico/
  15. Classic groupthink from the right. Can't come up with an argument himself, has to link to some bullshit op-ed that relies entirely on a t-shirt and Cynthia Nixon? Lol.
  16. "C'mon man, everyone on right-wing sites knows that the Dems are for open borders, you expect me to prove it?"
  17. It's not about where the party is ideologically. Sure, the AOC group is further left than most, but the House bill that got all but their votes was much further left than the Senate bill that the Dems rubber stamped. Protections for people in the camps is an easy sell to everyone except the racists on the far right. It's about where the party is strategically, and has been during the entire GOP takeover of government over the last 25 years. Dems think that voters are ideologically static and try to pander to the common denominator. Republicans know that a huge chunk of voters are ideologically flexible, and they push those voters towards their extreme. The result is extreme right policies when they're in power and more traditional Republican policies when the Dems win a foothold in Congress or the presidency. Those same voters can be pushed the other way if presented with confident, unified persuasive efforts from Dems. The AOC group has the strategy exactly right, and the Dems will continue to fail until they realize it.
  18. Shorter NowThis/Orca: "hey guys, I'm really a liberal, engage me while I poorly make liberal positions as a troll!"
  19. We don't have 80,000 false asylum claims each month, so problem solved, I guess.
  20. It's not about what would have happened; it's about what should have happened. AOC was exactly right. The Dems needed to stand together to demand protections for the kids in the camps. Mitch McConnell refusing to accept those changes vs the Dems pushing for them is a public fight worth having, and a fight the Dems would win. It's no answer to say "But they couldn't do that because the moderate Dems capitulated." That's exactly the point and the problem. And I don't buy the "moderate Dems have to placate their purple/red districts." This isn't the Green New Deal; it's toothbrushes and fresh water for women and children. It's exactly the sort of thing that led some suburban Republicans to leave Trump for Dems in the first place.
  21. If he was capable of feeling ashamed, he wouldn't be a Trump supporter.
  22. So the answer for "what is the Dems' alternative to being weak" is "there is no alternative to being weak"?
  23. How did Mitch McConnell get his border bill through the house without a single change?
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