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Mojo Hand

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Everything posted by Mojo Hand

  1. Remember when Republicans would mock Dems as treating Obama as the messiah? We never saw anything remotely like the actual religious fervor for Trump personally on the right. Trump is literally a messianic figure for many Republicans.
  2. Nah man, she's a real drag on that huge Dem momentum that they're using to rubber-stamp Mitch McConnell's border bill and not bring impeachment hearings while getting absolutely no policy priorities through the Senate. Voters love it when Dems bend to Republicans — look how Dems have been rewarded for it over the last 25 years!
  3. Is that sarcasm too, or just another stupid take?
  4. We don't have 80,000 false asylum claims each month. And we need to handle the ones who are arriving by devoting more more resources to processing them through the system. Like more immigration judges, which Trump has resisted, and reinstating and expanding the ankle monitoring program and Family Case Management Program that Trump ended for no good reason. More broadly, we need immigration reform to provide a legal way for many of these people to enter the country as non-asylees.
  5. And incompetent, thankfully, as it should have been easy for them to do what they were trying to accomplish without lying so obviously that Roberts couldn't go along with it.
  6. Hey at least the coal miners had the pleasure of telling Hillary where she could shove her $30 billion revitalization plan for coal miners. The memory of lib tears will keep them warm and fed for years to come.
  7. Right now journalists are picking apart his story of how he made his money in the first place, and it all seems very fishy. I think there's a lot more to come.
  8. I guess he's a fan of Nike flip-flops.
  9. I would imagine that Epstein's current assets will be made available to his victims in the form of restitution and/or to satisfy civil suits, if he is found guilty. A court will presumably decide what to do with anything left over.
  10. They should donate that money to charity.
  11. Plus that exception wouldn't be necessary if "whole persons" already excluded non-citizens, as "Indians not taxed" were non-citizens.
  12. I think we should make a master list of all of this data, with every single person in America accounted for. It will be a great start towards a federal gun registry.
  13. This is the remix to state charges. The feds got him.
  14. I don't really care about Pelosi doing her thing as Speaker and not catering to the AOC squad. There was just nothing positive about Pelosi repeatedly trolling AOC in the media and then gaslighting her in the last closed-door meeting. I suspect it's just an ego thing, in that she resents the attention AOC gets. Or maybe she's pissed about Crowley. Whatever it is, it didn't serve the party or the country.
  15. I don't think there are too many who stick with an interpretative principle until it breaks down; I think they mostly stick to it until it doesn't deliver the result they want. And I think that's true of judges across the ideological spectrum. The issue, to me, is that the right has uniquely claimed a mantle of righteousness in their analytical approach while delegitimizing the other side with a phony "judicial activism" narrative. I'm watching this Obamacare case in the Fifth Circuit and just shaking my head.
  16. The only thing they really did wrong wasn't even done by them; it was done by AOC's chief of staff, who went too far in a tweet and then deleted it. After getting their support for Speaker, Pelosi has been publicly talking shit about them and privately freezing them out for months. And they've pretty much stayed quiet about her until she had the gall to call them out for not being discreet. Pelosi has been way out of line, and I'm not the only one who has lost a ton of respect for her as a result.
  17. The right generally doesn't give a shit about principle when it comes to reading the constitution or statutes. Their supposed affinity for strict constructionism was always outcome-determinative, in that many of the results they wanted followed from that approach. When it doesn't, they usually find some excuse to reach the result they want anyway.
  18. I know everyone here hates Gillibrand, but this was a good answer to a tough question:
  19. There were always two issues: asking the question, which would cause undercounting, and using the results of the question for redistricting. The first issue is resolved, and it's good news. The second issue is a future battle yet to be resolved. Collecting the citizenship data via the specified, non-census means is a first step towards that second issue, but I don't have a problem with it per se as long as it doesn't fuck up the census.
  20. Isn't Clay the guy with the inherited seat who got primaried by AOC's group?
  21. "I'll throw in my valuable collection of rare child porn, it's worth millions. Whattaya say??"
  22. What if the executive order had directed the GPO to halt the printing of census forms without the question and to begin printing the forms with the question? Would that not violate the injunction? I don't have the terms in front of me, but I thought it was an injunction on adding the question to the form. Edit: actually, the GPO might be in the legislative branch, but whoever in the Executive has power of the actual printing of these forms.
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