That was definitely a great individual strategic move, but I have to disagree with any suggestion that she's running a good campaign outside of that one moment. IMO her campaign has otherwise been extremely lackluster, which is why her Q2 fundraising was last by far among the top 5, even though she should have been a natural at this and does big donor fundraising like Pete and Biden. The sputtering of her campaign before the debate was actually one of the most puzzling aspects of the primary for me so far.
Maybe she's in the process of turning it around, but she's already had to backtrack on a couple of things since the debate and has continued to looked shaky to me. The Biden thing is what I'd expect from a quality prosecutor, and she's shown that same skill in the Kavanaugh hearings and other situations in which she essentially gets to cross-examine people. But I haven't seen "good organizer" from her yet, or even that her strategic thinking has more broader applicability.
The only two who have run impressive campaigns, in my mind, are Warren and Pete. Everyone else is either coasting off the past or struggling, with the exception of Kamala's post-Biden bounce. If she sustains it, though, she'll certainly make that list too.