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Mojo Hand

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Everything posted by Mojo Hand

  1. If she had treated it with Biden as a complex issue about which one could reasonably have different opinions in 1972 and 2019, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt that her statements at the debate, the day after the debate, and today were merely incomplete rather than misleading and/or contradictory. Do you think she treated it that way with Biden?
  2. Nike's market either supports this kind of thing or is completely neutral about it — as in, they won't necessarily buy a shoe with "Black Lives Matter" written all over it, but they'll buy non-political shoe designs regardless of whether Nike supports anti-Trump political initiatives more generally. There is only a small group of racists, nuts, and idiots in your cohort who are actively bothered by Nike refusing to sell a Betsy Ross flag shoe that nobody ever wanted, and this group is insignificant in the athletic shoe market. Which is why Nike made huge profits during the Kap "boycott." In fact, y'all already shot your impotent wad back then to no effect, so there's no reason for Nike to listen now.
  3. Just remember, the same group that calls this honors BU grad (double major in Econ and Intl relations) an "idiot" and "ignorant" also lionized as a genius the total fraud Paul Ryan, a no-honors grad of a school ranked 50+ spots lower. Both were first elected in their late 20s, although AOC built from scratch a campaign that took down the most powerful Dem in NY, while Paul Ryan beat a 29-year-old pianist for an open seat. There may be another big difference, but I can't quite put my finger on it...
  4. No she didn't. One of the guys asked her what she listens to now. "What do you listen to?" DJ Envy asks. "What does Kamala Harris listen to?"
  5. Damn, dude, you really must not have been paying attention. It wasn't just the tape, there were like 17 other accusers with serious credible allegations against him.
  6. Every top Dem but Biden supports legalization, though. It's the corporate thing to do at this point, so I don't think it necessarily reflects a reform mentality. The worst thing about Obama, IMO, was his willingness to use pre-existing legal frameworks to excuse or look the other way on cruel things that were happening under his authority. His treatment of immigrants, his raids on medical pot dispensaries, and his drone program to name a few. I think Kamala is identical to him in that respect, and it's what bothers me most about her. I want a president who will really fight for what's right.
  7. Actually, I remembered that she already said something about this post-debate. I looked it up, and it seems like she's flip-flopped on this: "On Sunday, Kamala Harris expressed support for new, federally mandated busing policies. “I support busing. Listen, the schools of America are as segregated, if not more segregated, today than when I was in elementary school,” Harris said. “Where states fail to do their duty to ensure equality of all people and in particular where states create or pass legislation that created inequality, there’s no question that the federal government has a role and a responsibility to step up."
  8. Didn't she specifically hit him for saying busing should be a local issue rather than a federal mandate? I suppose she could say, and maybe she is saying, that a federal mandate was necessary in the 60s and 70s but not today, though I don't know that she made that clear in the debate.
  9. She's a cop and I don't really trust her. But her positive traits put her around #5 on my list right now.
  10. Is Aircraft One Putin's plane?
  11. "Hey, what's that over there?!" *runs off when you turn*
  12. This was a standard, planned July 4th extravaganza before Trump hijacked it. So a bunch of acts like Carole King were already booked as part of what was intended to be a non-partisan event.
  13. Good. With her on the stage, everything the real Dem candidates say will be all the more reasonable by comparison.
  14. Why does the right hate following the law so much?
  15. Which party buys votes through giving away free shit again? Not even free services, literally just money handouts.
  16. Trump doesn't respect or reward the people who lick his boots. It'll be someone he wants to make submit to him, IMO.
  17. The "unprecedented" asylum "crisis" is also bullshit. Asylum applications are up in recent years — because they fluctuate with the actual crises that send desperate people fleeing for asylum — but we've handled it before: And here's how we handled it in the 1990s: "As the Migration Policy Institute notes, during the mid-1990s, the U.S. faced an influx of asylum seekers (including many from Central America) that led to record numbers of claims (150,000 in 1995) and a backlog of nearly 500,000 affirmative asylum cases. Over three years, from 2003 to 2006, reforms and more resources reduced that from 464,000 to 55,000, and then to 6,000 by 2010. Instead of restricting access through legally dubious executive orders, the U.S. should be devoting more resources to processing cases, and do so more efficiently — for instance, by keeping the cases of those who pass their initial “credible fear” screenings with Citizenship and Immigration Services to adjudicate, rather than kicking them over to the courts for adjudication years later. That kind of solution affirms U.S. values, and promises far better results than a costly military deployment. The southwest border doesn’t need soldiers; it needs more asylum officers and judges." https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2018-12-09/asylum-in-america-a-complicated-problem-with-a-simple-fix We actually have far greater capacity to handle the current crop of asylum seekers than in the 1990s, because the number of total apprehensions has plummeted so much. Plus we had programs in place to deal with the situation. Instead, Trump has cut those programs and filled the camps. So, yeah, our system is overloaded right now. By design, because that's how Trump wants it.
  18. He doesn't need him anymore. Right wing evangelicals adore Trump. Pence was a fig leaf for that crowd to justify jumping on board the Trump train, but now the "religious" right has abandoned all pretense. If Trump does stick with Pence, it's a wasted opportunity because another VP like Haley could actually bring some moderate Rs back in. They're just looking for an excuse to vote Trump anyway. And Trump can put Pence in his cabinet to avoid pissing anyone off.
  19. If he ditches Pence I think it will be for Nikki Haley
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