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Everything posted by Yesh

  1. More like we scored a TD, but it is under review, and the crew are Big 12 refs.
  2. Yikes. Is someone going to tell him?
  3. When are we going to hear about the impact of Gary Patterson? When they announced the hire I thought there was a 60% chance that he was going to come in and his ego and general assholeness was going to undermine Sark and cause disruptions and eventually the whole thing would implode, and a 40% chance that his competitiveness was going to drive him to positively influence the program in multiple areas, so he could triumphantly rub our (his) success in everyone's face. What I gave 0% chance to was him coming in and working 9-5 and just doing a little recruiting and self scouting and not being heard from at all. Surely there has to be more going on behind the scenes?
  4. But wouldn't he still be owed the rest of the 8 million? The way I am reading this is the collective is going to arrange for him to, for example, do commercials for the Knoxville Ford dealership. The rationale is he will be a popular Tennessee football player, and so the dealership will pay the collective for his services and everyone wins. Let's say he decides to transfer to Hawaii. The collective would still own his NIL and would still have to pay him, but presumable the Knoxville Ford dealership would no longer be interested in his services. The collective would have to try to find someone in Hawaii that wants to work with him, and the assumption is the collective doesn't have any existing ties to businesses outside of Knoxville so would be very difficult to find deals. What am I missing? It says the collective can only terminate for breach of confidentiality or bad behavior.
  5. Jimbo is such a nice guy. Or, they need a QB at the Pro Day to throw to the WRs TEs and running backs, and Jimbo doesn't want any of the guys on campus doing it and showing their ineptitude.
  6. I actually go the other direction and weigh myself everyday. It is true that it jumps around, and can plateau for days, and can change based on diet and hormone levels. Because of that I record it every day in a spreadsheet, and then setup a trendline using a couple weeks of data. I will tell you it is really cool whenever you estimate BMR, and make a plan and control food intake, and are rewarded with a trendline that matches what you were trying to do.
  7. I wonder if Karic would be open to dropping to 270 and playing inline tight end.
  8. I'm just waiting for one of these kids or their family to publicly admit what deal they got, thinking incorrectly that it is NIL and it is legal now. I'm curious when they were offered these deals how it was presented. Are the boosters trying to blur the issue and mention NIL so the family feels better about it, or is it still perfectly understood that this is not above board and they need to keep quiet.
  9. Why does the highlighted section specify "prospective" student-athletes, but the others don't? It makes it seems like it doesn't apply to current student-athletes.
  10. UA game is tomorrow at 1pm central on ESPN. Army game is Jan 8th at 12pm central on NBC.
  11. Wait I thought we wanted the defense to be all chocolate no marshmallows
  12. It matters when you are sticking your arms out in front to prevent a rusher from getting in to your body. The portion of your wingspan that is your shoulder width doesn't help in that situation. But also fuck Gabe Brooks.
  13. Ehhh, I took it more as Sark trying to be clear that there was not an offer out or a deal in place already, in case it doesn't work out one side won't look like they shot the other down.
  14. If the motivation to go there was the bag, and not because you like the school/coaches/town, what happens next? Now you have to actually live there and go to practice and class. Where is the motivation? I'm sure a lot of these guys can still be successful, look at someone like Leal who took the bag but still developed. Bryce Anderson seems like a good kid AFAIK, he just bought into it somehow. But the mercenaries? It will be fun to watch when things don't go as planned.
  15. He just wants to be able to tell recruits Jimbo turned down more money to stay at A&M, so when Texas offers you tons of NIL cash do what Jimbo did.
  16. I always thought TCU did a good job of playing zone but having the DBs recognizing routes. At some point zone needs to turn into man, the point isn't to just cover grass. Our guys don't react until the ball is already caught. Is that something Patterson could implement as an analyst, or do you need film and on the field instruction? I would guess the latter.
  17. It's almost like new information has come to light in the last three months.
  18. The sad thing is we didn't even need above average defense this year. With a defense that was lacking playmakers but was at least competent we would be sitting at 8-2. My assumption at this point is that even the players who are trying hard don't have trust in what they are being coached to do.
  19. I think the offensive coaches can sell we are missing a couple pieces. I think there need to be multiple changes on defense or there will be massive attrition and no quality replacements.
  20. Here is our performance last year for reference. 5 - L - OU 9 - l - ISU 20 - W - Oklahoma St 29 - L - TCU 37 - W - WVU 63 - W - Baylor 67 - W - K State 69 - W - Colorado 76 - W - Tech 123 - W - UTEP The Oklahoma State game was a "good" win, but otherwise looks similar, assuming we don't lose to WVU. My impression of this team vs last year is the talent is down and the coaches are better, but not by much.
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