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Everything posted by Yesh

  1. If you have to ask big man, you can't afford it.
  2. Instead of arguing about dumb shit, will one of you (or anyone that has any insight for that matter) explain what was the reason for the difference with the offense against KSU? I know they have issues with depth and such but that is not the only explanation. Recruiting related because the current players sure seemed to be having a good time, and when recruits ask them about the program it could make a difference.
  3. It would certainly be in character for Herman to want to have the best practices after a loss to correct the mistakes, even though it is too late at that point, but cancel practice after a win because we obviously have everything figured out now.
  4. Why would we wait for the after Kansas game, but not the bowl game as well in that case?
  5. This is more than just bad K-State defense.
  6. Jesus fucking christ people keep it together for 24 more hours.
  7. 84 million dollars...but random people in Ohio wouldn't worship you anymore... tough choice.
  8. What would the contract say about him leaving early for medical reasons? For example, if he was worried that after a year or two it could be debilitating and he would have to quit.
  9. A not unrealistic scenario: We win out - 2 conference losses OU wins out - 2 losses OSU wins out (except their loss to OU) - 2 losses ISU wins out (except their loss to us) - 2 losses I'm not sure what the tiebreaker would be, head to head us and OU would both be 2-1 against the other 3, whereas OSU and ISU would be 1-2. If it is by ranking probably us and OU would be highest since our losses would be earlier in the season Anyways none of that fucking matters, we still need to fire Herman as soon as possible. If there was a way to even more mediocre than we already are, that would be us next year.
  10. Herman is going to learn the wrong lessons from this game.
  11. How about we hire Urban, tell him not to do any of that shady shit here, and then see what happens. If he does do bad shit we can fire him, but at that point I will already have the memories of several national championships.
  12. The biggest concern right now is the team quits mid season. These players know they (mostly) work their asses off, and they have to be pissed that Herman is wasting their careers. You fire him mid season and it could be like a weight off their shoulders. Everyone would know there was going to be a new coach so less uncertainty. Imagine if they won 5 out of 6 without Herman to finish the year, there would be a lot more chance to keep a core of good players and recruits onboard.
  13. Assuming the players are aligned on what the real problem is here...I like the idea of making Ash the interim, and letting Yurcich do whatever he wants on offense. If the players understand Tom is the problem, this could keep them motivated, and let Sam end his career without being held back. It would also be an audition for keeping Yurcich.
  14. Troy Omeire
  15. I haven't re-watched the whole game, but just focusing on the first series, is there a reason the LBs don't get their hands on the WRs, even just a quick push to get them off their path?
  16. I am wondering (more like hoping) if we have a 3 deep safety look. Our defensive line is a strength. If we are going to dedicate 4 guys to it, we need them to control the run with minimal LB support. We need those guys thinking pass drop first, at least against teams like Tech, TCU, OU. We can give up 8 yard runs. Our corners are not going to hold up on their own, and plenty of teams have a 3rd receiver that will torch Adimora or Mitchell.
  17. Those teams offensive personnel and design are totally different than Tech or the average Big 12 team. There is no comparison.
  18. The only time they had success on offense last year was when Mond was running, but we know Jimbo doesn't like it. When Mond continues to show no progress as a passer and is obviously limiting the offense, I could see him getting benched.
  19. I predict these hires are just good enough to get us to 10-2 and Big12 championship in 2020, but not good enough to prevent us from going 8-4 in 2021.
  20. CDC to Herman "Tom, we are the richest athletic department in the country and a blue blood football program. We should have one of the top 10 coaches at every position. Put together a list of the top names, let's sit down and discuss each of them and make sure we land one of them. Some may not come due to loyalty to their current program, or may be bad fits for our schemes or culture, but we will get one of them." Is that how the process should work? I don't think that is how the process is working.
  21. Yeah but he upgrades every time.
  22. Dajon Harrison committed.
  23. 3-3-5 with 2 safeties playing linebacker positions at depth. http://sportstreatise.com/2019/10/the-sec-plays-flyover-football/
  24. The scheme says on 3rd and long you blitz and sack the QB. That didn't happen, but that doesn't mean it isn't what the scheme says is supposed to happen.
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