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Everything posted by Tuco

  1. Do you think she would be disbarred over it? Do you think she would be jailed over it?
  2. 1. It seems like she has a pretty massive disclaimer there: "Based upon the information that has been provided to me, I am authorized to certify, on behalf of the Office of Donald J. Trump.." She's not saying she conducted a search. She is not even saying you reviewed the document search methodology and found it reasonable. Technically, with the tortured sentence structure, she isn't even saying that she received information regarding the search, only that she received information that she is authorized to make an affirmation that a search was done per the bullet points. I can see where it would be considered non-responsive by the government and possibly piss of a judge. But, I don't think it is something that would end her up in jail or even end her career. She signed a meaningless statement. 2. Your second point, about correcting the record, is interesting to me. If she later found out that not all the records were returned, I imagine she would have an obligation to inform the government. Making her an informant. Sure, she could inform the government through formal filings, still advocating for her client and obscuring the details. But, it's not just the affidavit, it's an on-going crime. And it's unlikely Trump would agree with the more official ways of correcting the record. Continuing to do Trump's bidding could cost her career and possibly her freedom.
  3. Nah. Divorcees get half. Widows get most. ...plus she'll get to play the Dollar Store version of JackieO for the next few decades. She can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  4. It’s tough when the only thing you believe in is getting elected.
  5. No, but anti-Trump Republicans positioning for a battle is good. There needs to be a civil war in the GOP, and the Rove/Cheney branch needs to win. It would help the Democrats win seats in the short run and help our country be less stupid in the long run.
  6. Well, he is a fucking moron who does shit for no logical reason. He didn't take a sharpie to a weather map because he was trying to blackmail anyone. He didn't suggest ingesting bleach as part of some diabolic plan. He is absolutely fucking stupid. So, the possibility that this was some sort of idiotic power play with no identifiable endgame is absolutely possible. It's also possible he is a fucking idiot who had some half-baked scheme of how he was going to continue to convert his position for money. Shun away.
  7. Oh, without a doubt, they are putting up shit candidates like Oz and Walker. But that's a symptom of the same disease. Those candidates are being nominated by the Republican party. Over 50% of Republican voters in Georgia looked at Walker and not only said, "that guy should be a Senator" but also said, "that guy will win the general." They are that out of touch.
  8. I tend to lean this direction as well. The safe is what gives me pause. If he had something in the safe, that's not just a question of throwing all the shit in a box and stupidly claiming rights over it. That would require some level of filtering, recognition of value, and dedicating resources to protect it. I want to know what was in the safe.
  9. It would be awesome to watch some long established incumbents like Rubio and Johnson fall. Mitch can talk about "candidate quality" all he wants, but when people who used to win elections can no longer win elections, that's not candidate quality. That's a party who is out of step with the American public. There are no Biden coattails here. There is no economic boom helping the majority party. For Republican incumbents to lose in this environment would be a huge warning sign for the GOP. Having it happen in swings states like Florida and Wisconsin would put it in flashing neon.
  10. That article does two things: 1. Names the scapegoat; 2. Portrays the issue as an honest (if completely stupid) disagreement over what rights a former President has to retain documents. It is an article that paints the best possible picture of Trump from the known data points. It's possible it is true. But, it's coming from the Trump camp and presents the best case interpretation. So, big grain of salt.
  11. They are self selecting. You can bet that Dotard is only going to work with major vendors who “put skin in the game” and overextend credit. Developers try to do that kind of shit all the time. Probably the only thing that Trump is effective at is getting a line of rubes who will line up for the opportunity.
  12. I don't know how the average Ukrainian can walk down the street. If I had balls that big, it would really interfere with my gait.
  13. She would actually be one of the more respectable "finance chairmen" the GOP has had for a while, and would still be even if she was convicted for prostitution. Title was previously held by Michael Cohen (felon), Elliot Broidy (previous felony reduced to misdemeanor, second felony pardoned by Trump), Steve Wynn (sexual misconduct tab in the tens of millions of dollars, forced to register for FARA for representing Chinese government). The GOP is a criminal organization.
  14. Guys like McConnell and Cruz think Warniok won the Senate seat because he is black, rather than in spite of being black. It's a similar reason to why Palin was a vice-president candidate. They truly believe white men are persecuted and the obstacles are lower for minorities.
  15. I keep waiting for the Saudi scandal to drop. Jared was the de facto ambassador to the kingdom for like a year. You know shady shit went down.
  16. God bless John Fetterman, and thank God the stroke wasn’t even slightly worse.
  17. Sure. But let’s keep I’m mind that the US was an extremely late entry in WW1. Whatever you can say about the American experience in WW1, you can say tenfold about any any other participant in WW2. Also, my point is less about why the generation was the way the way they were, and more about how they have been misconstrued since. FWIW, I was talking to an engineer today who recently left the workforce, and riffing on how I think we are running into a parallel with the “lost generation”, except coming out of COVID instead of WW1. We are in weird era that has yet to be defined.
  18. Since generation discussions aren’t going away, and it’s a Saturday night, I always like to point out that the “greatest generation “ was absolutely for staying on the sidelines as Nazis bombed London. Maybe that’s a testament to restraint. But, more realistically, it just means generational differences are overstated.
  19. Presidential popularity polls don’t really matter that much. It’s Biden against an ideal, not Biden against an actual opponent.
  20. Fantastic analogy, particularly the part about the Chinese knockoffs looking like Wally. Disinformation has graduated from photocopied newsletters, to email forwards, to professional looking websites, to cable news programs. If you didn’t have the context, it would be difficult to distinguish them from legitimate news. It doesn’t help that during this time, the legit news has degraded, losing field reporters and moving towards sensationalism and personality driven content. There is plenty to criticize them for, which lowers their credibility. Murrow said, “to be persuasive, we must be credible. To be credible, we must be believable. To be believable, we must be truthful.” Unfortunately, he was wrong.
  21. My guess is that after reviewing the tapes of dozens of people for several hours, there are instances of them doing disrespectful or unprofessional things. Espionage is acceptable if you catch someone picking their nose. He needs another Strzok/Page affair. He needs a tangent to distract from the main point. Also, if the FBI releases the security tapes of Trump staff obstructing justice (prior to the raid), he needs to confuse the conversation by pointing to other security tapes that he will claim bolster his case. It’s all about muddying the waters. That’s all he has. And it frequently works for him.
  22. I would think that the movement for “women” should be between “white women” and “non-white women.” Not understanding the math there.
  23. I was born in 72. Used to have the dreams/nightmares about nuclear war and the aftermath. Most kids I knew did as well. Mass shootings fills that headspace for kids today. I really wish we would do something about it.
  24. If Trump officials said "Here are the boxes that were taken from the White House. If you feel the need to review them to confirm that we have returned all classified documents, help yourself." Once you have decided to work for Trump, I don't see what options you have other than to work within parameters defined, unless for some reason you believe they are fabricated. It's not like a lawyer is going to search through all the rooms in Maralargo. That being said, if that lawyer were later to have a credible reason to believe he had signed a false document, I would imagine he would have a duty to correct the record with the Feds. I would also imagine he would be a little pissed about it.
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