So, here's a good case study on the mentality which makes #DefundThePolice necessary:
County board buys sheriff a 1.85M mobile command center with Covid relief funds.
So, the rationale for this boondoggle is that the vaccination program would be run through the police, by police (who are not trained in public health), utilizing tools that are customized for law enforcement, rather than vaccination programs. It's just fucking insane that they can vocalize, and maybe even believe, it.
A couple of other points, specific to Omaha/Douglas County:
- 80% of the population in Douglas County are Omaha residents. I would guess another 10% are in small connected towns and unincorporated suburbs. It is not a rural county. It's maybe 20 miles E/W and 10 miles N/S. It's not the fucking Australian outback. Getting rural residents vaccinations is trivial.
- If you drive a county sheriff van into North Omaha (predominantly black community) or South Omaha (predominantly Latino community), it is going to be counter-productive in trying to get vaccinations to the residents. They are already reasonable suspicious of government run vaccination programs; it's extremely stupid to compound that with adding cops to the mix.
- The Douglas County sheriff office does not patrol Omaha. They aren't the police force responsible for crowd control/security at large events in Omaha. That's the OPD. Even the small towns in the county have their own local PD, although I imagine they request help if bad shit is happening...which, is probably once in a decade. The sheriff maybe patrols the county roads, and of course enforces county orders, like evictions. Even on a purely law enforcement basis, they don't need a fucking RV.