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Everything posted by Tuco

  1. If that's accurate, Nov 5th should be a very good night for the Democrats. 1. 2024 NE-2 is not the same district as 2020 NE-2. It was redrawn after the 2020 census by the Republican Unicameral. It wasn't the worse gerrymandering, but my recollection is that it was a maybe 2-3 point shift right. They cut out some of the southern parts of the metro (older city, more diverse) with rural and growing satellite towns (new suburb, very pale). If Harris is running ahead of Biden, she is absolutely rocking the old split. 2. That's important beyond just the 1 EV. I think NE-2 is a pretty good proxy for Suburbia USA. It's a city and all, but not that dense, not that expensive, fairly well educated, and sprawling residential/burbs for a good chunk of it. It has had a woman mayor, a Republican, for several years, so maybe more open to voting for a women. But it's also pretty Catholic, so maybe more pro-life than your typical purple district.
  2. Agreed. I get the feeling that the Democrats have some heartburn with going on Rogan directly, but having Cuban on it alleviates that.
  3. A couple of things: 1. John Deere is an easy target because a couple months ago they publicly caved on their DEI policy amidst conservative pressure. They demonstrated that they are cowards and Trump knows they won't say jack shit. 2. Trump is essentially saying he is dissolving USMCA, the NAFTA replacement that was negotiated under his administrations. It's basically NAFTA with a Trump logo. He can't put tariffs on Mexican products because of the law he spearheaded and signed.
  4. I want to believe (but I don’t) https://www.ketv.com/article/new-poll-shows-osborn-leading-fischer-as-more-ads-hit-screens-in-nebraska-senate-race/62360600
  5. Well, that's cool and all, but how much money did he make for speaking? I'm not talking donations; how much did he add to his personal income? CNN
  6. Nuke builds on a much slower pace than data centers. It’s faster when there is an existing site and license, but getting 3 Mile Island Unit 1 (not unit 2) back up by 2028 seems optimistic to me.
  7. We can’t and still meet the power demand the tech industry is projecting as they race towards building all the data centers they are planning to build. Something has to give. The techs won’t build everything they have planned. But, it is likely it will still drive an increase in fossil fuel usage.
  8. Dating a black guy to get back at Trump? That could work.
  9. A few years ago, a trick or treater came to my house in as a "Pete Ricketts for Governor" sign. I said, "yeah, that is the most terrifying costume I've seen." It was Ricketts' kid.
  10. “I know you’re in, big fella” is my new favorite announcer sentence.
  11. McDonnell is still a no. McDonnell was a registered Democrat, but switched to Republican in April after getting shit for voting for anti-abortion and anti-trans legislation. So, socially conservative, but doesn't have heavy ties to the GOP. Nebraska's Unicameral is nominally non-partisan and committee assignments are by secret ballots, which does diminish the party pressure. But, I could see Ricketts offering him campaign funding for a higher office.
  12. On a less fun story, the Republicans are taking another run at taking away the NE-2 vote. Lindsey Graham visited this week to turns the screws and the full congressional delegation endorsed the plan. That is really damaging to the NE-2 Congressional incumbent, so my bet is Graham threatened a Trump tweet to get him on board. Apparently they have converted one of the no votes in the Unicameral, and others seem likely. Ricketts has funded a lot of those Senators, so he may be able to apply pressure. 46 days before the election and the Republicans are looking to change the rules to disenfranchise Omaha fucking Nebraska. https://nebraskaexaminer.com/2024/09/18/winner-take-all-push-gets-help-of-gov-jim-pillen-sen-lindsey-graham-trump/ The silver lining is that they seem desperate.
  13. Ok, is that actually NCRP, or someone with a convincing template. Because if the story is coming from inside the house, the coup isn't complete yet.
  14. I am mean, I assume this is basic bullshit "Letters to Penthouse" shit. Whatever. But dude, punctuate.
  15. Milo definitely has some backing for this shit. I mean, color me impressed: Loomer calls Ladybug gay and says MTG has beefy curtains, and in return gets a well sourced encyclopedia entry detailing just how insane she is.
  16. And, also like Craig’s list, it was also frequently used for prostitution.
  17. It’s amazingly fucked up that the Holocaust denier was only trailing by 5 points prior to this.
  18. It begs the question: why would a Trump appointee charged with maintaining a stable economy favor Harris?
  19. I would have a neon sign outside of every union hall: "Project 2025 would end overtime pay"
  20. You can register on November 5th for in person voting, although it may be more complicated if you don't have a state ID. (Not suggesting you test that theory.) link
  21. When I moved from Bellevue to North Seattle (rental to rental), I was automatically re-registered for the new location. It is staggering how different it is when your government wants you to vote.
  22. Um, you may want to give that a little more thought.
  23. I was going to comment on that. It seems like the only thing that would be more depressing than living in that room is watching myself live in that room.
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