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The Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by The Dog

  1. I think it is pretty clear that Russia is solidly fucked at this point, and there is basically nothing that could happen from this point forward that will ever save face and make up for what has happened already. Even if Ukraine withdrew all forces right now, this is a devastating blow to Putin.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Js1 said:

    I’m going to give a small benefit of the doubt that she spoke to the two leaders in the reception line and these were some attendees who went rogue or hadn’t yet gotten the message from leadership.


    I've seen reports that this was the case - the people who heckled her weren't part of the conversations she had prior to the event. Hoping for her sake that is true.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    It already is. How do you propose they make morons stop saying stupid things that aren't true? If you're going to be bothered that much by those people repeating lies then it's going to be a very long 3 months for you. 

    Just seems to have more legs than I would like. I'm not that bothered just annoyed.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Thrawn said:

    I was watching Bulwark on YouTube earlier. Tim Miller and some other ex-republican were discussing the Walz pick. I usually like his show.  Being an ex-republican myself, but today they were a bit more than irritating. They both thought Kamala should have picked Shapiro. Here is the strange part. Up until a week ago I felt the same way. I had never really heard of Tim Walz and I know how important Pennsylvania is. So, Shapiro had to be the choice. Right?

    Well, after just one week of getting to know more about Walz, I feel like I know the guy. Enough so, that the Shapiro talks was honestly pissing me off.  I'm more excited about Walz than I have been anyone running for POTUS or VP in a long time. It is just hard to explain. I think it has to do with the sense of normality that he brings. I'm just so tired of the choices we have been given the majority of my lifetime.

    Was it the one with Sarah Longwell? That was taped like right after Walz was named IIRC. 

    The Bulwark found out that Trump's campaign helped to fuel an anti-Shapiro whisper campaign so that's likely why Tim and Sarah are bent because they believe the Trump campaign didn't want Kamala to pick him: https://www.thebulwark.com/p/trump-world-fueled-anti-shapiro-whisper-campaign. They are looking at it from the perspective of purely "this locks down Pennsylvania" rather than a bigger picture. 


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  5. 1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:

    This is old news. It was news when he shut them down. And the answer is, it's about grifting money, and the assumption his win was guaranteed and/or he's going to steal it. 

    Yup and it didn't get the attention it should have when that occurred. Everyone was still focusing on Biden's age. 

    This is what they should be asking his campaign right now:

    A lot of us have been saying it was going to his astronomical legal bills. 

    On another topic - apparently after Trump's interview with the black journalists association there was a mutiny in his campaign according to Rick Wilson:



    It may have been on another thread, but the question why Trump isn't having more rallies could be related to the campaign's finances. However, I think it's more that he can't handle the grind but also that he's embarrassed by the small crowds he is drawing. Trump HATES that and the optics of seeing Kamala's enormous crowds compared to his pitiful audiences of old white people:


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