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The Dog

Burnt Ends
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  1. https://www.thedrawplay.com/comic/the-lions-hangover/
  2. The Dog

    USMNT 2024

  3. Joe Walsh @WalshFreedom I’m going to keep beating this drum: For two months, I’ve been in the battleground states almost nonstop encouraging Republicans & Independents to vote for @KamalaHarris . And at every stop in every battleground state I hear from Republicans who tell me they’re voting for her, but they’re keeping quiet about it. I hear this everywhere I go. I just believe there’s a quiet groundswell of support for Kamala among Republicans that the polls just aren’t picking up.
  4. Done. 40 minute wait at Brushy Creek Community Center. They ran out of stickers. ☹️
  5. what's normal turnout for those districts (for a pres election year)
  6. I'd make MN dark blue and AZ/GA light blue. Otherwise this seems supported by what we're seeing:
  7. That Siena poll also found that low-propensity voters favor Trump slightly (not a surprise - these are the "Trump Only" voters IMHO). But late deciders are breaking for Harris - not a surprise, as Trump is flailing (and saying stupid shit that hurts his campaign) and Harris is working overtime to reach out to these voters.
  8. The surprise to me is how blue Wilco is north of Round Rock. There are great opportunities for the TDP to flip some more offices here but the incumbents from the GOP keep getting re-elected due to the power of incumbency. That and people here are still pretty conservative - they just don't like crazy.
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