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Everything posted by Underdog

  1. Texas doesn’t even have this, adv. Ky…
  2. Crimson bomb ties it up 7-7 in The Game.
  3. I am so here for the meltdown if it’s that close.
  4. Ky has a castle in Versales(Versailles) no less…
  5. Ballsy move but paid off, buckeyes.
  6. Flipping between The Game, IU/OSU.
  7. Have you seen the polos the basketball coaches are wearing?
  8. Realistically thinking… Texas-45 UK-6 TY- 713 UK OL is so porous even Hot Wheels(no cr) could rush the QB.
  9. Hopefully link works… https://apple.news/AcMNFjn7-R-a7r9TVeN6IGg Pieces of April mentioned earlier sounds interesting and Clarkson is always solid performer.
  10. Don't normally watch shit like Gameday or SEC Nation but hot damn Laura be looking good this morning.
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