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Everything posted by Underdog

  1. Paul Rudd handing out water at one of the polls in Philly.
  2. PSA: Jersey Mike’s doing another charity drive this Sat/Sun.
  3. Bitch, please! You think Freddie was scared when he approached the plate bottom of the 10th in Game 1 ? Nah. Homeboy knew he got this and now so does Kamala.
  4. I’ve seen enough… Pope >>> Cal.
  5. It’s an election thread not HEB, Motherfucker! I want to speak to the mgr of this place.
  6. Happy Hoops-mas! The road to Madness starts today.
  7. Threaded that needle.
  8. I'll just send them my tighty whities and not only will they get a stool sample but also urine, blood, semen and a few unidentified body fluids.
  9. We need a pinned Chili's Election Day check in thread... Make it happen, @immamac
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