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Everything posted by Underdog

  1. Hot Take Incoming: Trump supports SRE garbage. : End of Hot Take
  2. I'd kick out either Kelly, Vanky or Boobert and replace them with Mace, most likely it'd be Kelly don't like her one bit.n
  3. Gorgeous woman, wonderful talent. RIP, Ms. Garr. Star Trek appearance...
  4. Did you fuck to Bolero as well?
  5. I love her, I love her, I love her And where she goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow I will follow her Follow him, wherever he may go There isn't an ocean too deep A mountain so high it can keep me away
  6. Was he walking funny? With his release thus begins his disdain again for soap.
  7. Was going to use the Piano Man album cover but couldn't do that to my boy.
  8. In the spirit of Halloween, her face reminds me of this...
  9. Underdog


    Would hit up their Riverside location about once a month when I worked at AMD, always liked their Migas.
  10. 10 is currently on TCM an absolute classic.
  11. HOLY SHIT! I've seen this movie before.
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