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Everything posted by Underdog

  1. https://apnews.com/article/jatavion-sanders-013929bb142a40b17db8dfb4aac2206d
  2. Better than how Trumpers did in 2020.
  3. Looked on Yelp and saw that Suzi’s Chinese is still around. It was damn good from what I remember back when it was on S Lamar and then off Anderson near Northcross Mall. Suzi was a smoke show.
  4. Smart, thoughtful, compassionate and a nice person are usually automatic disqualifiers for Repubs.
  5. Great uni game in Lambeau.
  6. Targeting. unnecessary roughness unsportsmanlike conduct Illegal formation on kicking team First down Washington on Dallas 1
  7. Scoot over, Chuck. You may soon have company.
  8. From what I've watched game plan has been solid keeping Cooper comfortable.
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