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Everything posted by BrickTop

  1. Lol I’m nowhere near PHD just something I like and read a lot about im good with the basics That degree is very hard and requires a lot of math and im not going to OU for school even if they’re by far the best at it Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  2. That storm just to the south of it is rotating too just outside Temple Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  3. Watch your butts tornado on the ground
  4. Also I believe and Phd can correct me if I’m wrong but storms can and do break through the capping inversion and when they do they tend to be strong and rapidly intensifying.
  5. And tornado warning near Ft Hood
  6. Lot of energy, nothing inhibiting it going upward(strengthening)
  7. CiNH = convection inhibition or inhibitors, Cape is convective available potential energy over 1500 is good enough for supercell development these are reading 2-3k,
  8. Looks like the CINH dropped to almost non existent on the last sounding near DFW area and there’s a ton of CAPE at all levels, if those storms get there the environment is very primed. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  9. https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/md0458.html Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  10. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  11. Also I believe Putin said foreign fighters will not be granted POW status? Not sure if that mattered anyway with how they’ve been treating prisoners but doesn’t bode well for the legion guys if they get caught, I hope they don’t make an example of him to dissuade others and that he wasn’t forced to surrender to the Chechens.
  12. Not sure if posted, but a pretty well known British guy i follow on Instagram who was fighting with the UA in Mariupol has been forced to surrender, there’s been reports of him being capture before but they were disproven……this time doesn’t sound so fortunate https://www.thedailybeast.com/aiden-aslin-uk-volunteer-in-ukraine-taken-by-russian-troops-after-hell-of-a-fight
  13. Stanton really scalds the ball when he touches it, almost seems like he waits a bit too late on some and benefits from the short porch in right, not real sure how much exit velo factors in over launch angle anyway unless you’re glad Guerrero who hits more line drive hr than I’ve even seen.
  14. Only 5 players have touched 119 plus the other four are righties
  15. Hardest hit ball by a left handed batter since statcast.
  16. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CbqvTI0J-6u/?utm_medium=copy_link Legit holy shit
  17. Planes, cruise missiles, drones, close in antipersonnel, but yea that would be pretty bad ass to have in a convoy but I’m pretty sure they’re heavy as fuck and at 6k rounds a minute gonna need a truck as an ammo bearer. One question though is their guidance integrated or are gonna be married to a big ass radar assembly?
  18. And both these chicks would get it.
  19. Matt brown has the CTE vibe going on, 41 and still fighting.
  20. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CbdjNpVjQs6/?utm_medium=copy_link Must really have experienced some shit when a rpg impact doesn’t even make you jump
  21. When I first got into this I worked in an ER I’ve seen alcoholics walking around with a BAC of 2.0 and over that’s their normal every day baseline. Their med issues start when they can’t maintain and their BAC drops off threat baseline I’ve seen more than 1 hospital that had liquor on hand to treat DT and alcohol withdrawals, funny enough without that the treatment involves Benzos
  22. Always knew it was pretty rough stuff but until I had a buddy who’d been on it for ten years try to cold turkey and ended up with seizures and almost died, I really researched it’s Benzos and alcohol, the two vices you cannot just quit and power through, or maybe you can but the threat of death is very much there. And yea Benzos are pretty hard to Od on you take too much you fall asleep and the respiratory depression just isn’t there unless you go the poly pharmacy route
  23. Also there is something similar to Narcan for Benzodiazepines(Xanax, Valium, Ativan etc) called Romazicon which is not used anywhere near as often as NarCan and I’ve never seen it used in the field, Benzos in any sane amount are not remotely on the level of respiratory depressants as Opiods. Also, you don’t want to send someone who is chemically addicted to Benzos into immediate withdrawals, can cause seizures and death.
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