To put it in perspective, a few years ago I got hurt on the job and caught an ambulance ride. While Enroute the medics gave me 100 mcg of fentanyl which is a pretty standard starting dose, I’m a pretty big guy no history of opioid use but it’s always had a high tolerance for pain meds. This shit absolutely snowed me, took away all pain immediately and I couldn’t reAlly feel anything. It’s hard to fathom that a potentially lethal dose is 2 mg which is 20x the amount I received. There are pills floating out there at 2mg and up to 5 mg. I have seem quite a few overdoses from this shit and the sad thing is it’s usually not the addicts or experienced users, they have a tolerance and are wary enough of it it’s the casual users who tend to fuck around and find out, Narcan isn’t as effective against it either. The problem is some of these first time users are going at it blind and aren’t getting a second chance.