Yes, all Pro-life voters are religious voters, but it’s the issue that doesn’t necessarily involve religion, and it’s the one they cling to when justifying their vote. And I understand it. If you believe that human life begins at conception, and that human life deserves equal protection under the law from the moment it begins, then abortion is basically genocide. That gets into what defines “human” life, which is really subjective and complicated. But I really do understand single issue pro-life voters. The best counter to that line of thinking is actually something I read that was taken from Barbara Bush’s personal notes. She was pro choice, and her thinking was that human life doesn’t begin until the “soul” descends into the body, and her belief was that the soul did not enter the body until birth, that the souls was essentially bestowed on a baby by its mother. Not sure I agree with all of that, but the idea that the “soul” is what differentiates human life from all else, and that there’s no necessary connection to when a soul enters a body and any biological process makes sense to me as a good justification for a pro-choice stance.