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Snake Diggity

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Everything posted by Snake Diggity

  1. This fucking sucks. There is undeniable traction that the sitting POTUS (who is currently in a tight re-election race against a criminal egomaniac) is unfit for office, being amplified by prominent members of his own party. POTUS is at least tacitly acknowledging it by scheduling an interview on a major network to air in 72 hours. If Biden doesn’t come across sharp as fuck and flawlessly address why he came off so poorly last week, all fucking hell is going to break loose. This would be cool if it were a Netflix drama. But as reality? This fucking sucks.
  2. That’s surprising. Doggett is pretty entrenched so you wouldn’t think he would make this move unless he thought it might have an impact. Quick analysis of the potential replacements: Harris: positives: semi-incumbent, qualified, well-known. negatives: black woman would drive opposition turnout, and she doesn’t seem to have the charisma to energize her base; not sure she’d show that well against Trump in a debate. Whitmer: positives: Governor of a swing state, qualified, would likely show well against Trump in a debate. negatives: not that well known, female so might drive opposition turnout, blacks may not turn out for her, no incumbency Buttigieg: positives: the most gifted/intelligent politician alive, so would destroy Trump in a debate, lots of upside with potential to win people over with his wit, extremely sharp on policy. negatives: not really qualified, and as a gay man he would be guaranteed to supercharge Trump’s base and extremely likely to turn off the black vote, only very slight incumbency Newsom: positives: would win a debate against Trump, fairly well-known, qualified. negatives: from a deep blue state which would drive opposition turnout, no incumbency Others: Pritzker, Beshear, Shapiro, etc.: any of these moderate Democrat leaders could step in, but they would be hard pressed to generate excitement and win swing voters in <120 days due to being relatively unknown
  3. I wonder how it would sell to have Biden swap with Kamala and be VP? My guess is that would be a disaster but maybe they could spin it as a way to keep the incumbency advantage and mitigate Harris’s downside. I was shocked by Biden in the debate because of how he looked in the SOTU in January. That was just 5 months ago and that performance seemed to go a long way to alleviate concerns about Biden’s fitness; I know it did for me. I was expecting another performance like that, so to see how bad off he was last week was devastating.
  4. Adding Bassitt or Gausman (or even Kikuchi) to Vlad and increasing the prospect package a bit seems to make a lot of sense to me, if Crane is down to stretch the payroll. It would also put Arrighetti (or Bloss) in play as a trade chip which would lessen the burden on the position player side of the farm to get the trade done.
  5. That’s fangraphs #3, 6, 13, and 16 prospects from Pittsburgh. A big factor on evaluating that would be if Toronto is eating any of Vlad’s remaining 2024 money. An equivalent package from Houston would be something like IF Brice Matthews, P AJ Blubaugh, P Miguel Ullola, and P Alonzo Tredwell. That’s a steep cost for an expensive 1B, but I would be ok with that especially if Toronto ate most of the remaining money.
  6. I’m as in the bag for Biden as they come. I donated to his campaign. My hatred for Trump cannot be understated. Before last week I adamantly defended Biden to anyone who poopooed him, rattling off the accomplishments of his administration and juxtaposing his fitness for office against Trump. Biden’s appearance and performance in the debate shook me. That motherfucker is too feeble and diminished to be POTUS. Full stop. Coming out of that, I would definitely categorize myself as “desperate” for an alternative to Trump AND Biden. I will still vote, and would say it is extremely likely that I am voting for Biden. But I am now shifting my energy away from supporting Biden to highlighting the need for systemic change (I.e. ranked choice voting) so that we don’t get in this situation again. (Note: RFK Jr. is not a serious candidate so not an alternative.)
  7. They will get an upgrade over Singleton. May not be a major get but it’ll be a quality bat. Loperfido, Arrighetti, Ullola, and Leon are significant trade chips they’ll be willing to part with for the right player. Top 5 targets: 1. Vlad Jr. 2. Yandy Diaz 3. Jeimer Candelario 4. Lamont Wade Jr. 5. Tyler Soderstrom
  8. Not sure why Biden doesn’t mention this kind of thing in speeches and debates. “Donald, everywhere you go abroad, except places run by fascist madmen, the people ridicule you incessantly, and fly giant balloons of you in a diaper…you know, because the rest of the world views you as a tittybaby.”
  9. Thanks for posting this. What a cool feature, makes the game so much more enjoyable to listen to and watch.
  10. I don’t know if Altuve will end up with the pure numbers to make the hall of fame, but in terms of how fun a player is to watch, he’s a first ballot guy.
  11. The Astros have 3 dudes who’ve been among the 20-30 best SP in the league over the last month plus another dude who tossed 7 scoreless his last time out. Arrighetti hasn’t shown the consistency but Blanco, Framber, and Brown certainly look like “top end pitching” over the last 4-6 weeks.
  12. I don’t think it was Biden’s ego; I think he (along with the vast majority of others) thought he was the best candidate due to incumbency, and until last night, he was right. Even as recently as the SOTU Biden looked fit. The way he looked last night was shocking.
  13. It would be unprecedented as far as I know. There would have to be swift back door dealings (likely led by Biden/Harris) to make it happen.
  14. A disaster like that, if the narrative coming out of it sticks, is more than enough to be the difference in GA, AZ, NV, and WI, and puts PA, MI, and MN potentially in play. This shit is not a joke. At this point I am a hard core anti-Trump voter and even I am desperate for any alternative to Biden, because what I saw last night is a person not just unfit to serve as president, but someone that needs a caretaker (note: if it is indeed Trump vs Biden, I am voting Biden without hesitation); this isn’t a joke and we shouldn’t underestimate how bad Biden came off and the impact it might have. 3.) Any of Newsom, Whitmer, Beshear, Shapiro, or Pritzker would likely beat Trump if the party (including Biden) was completely unified behind them by July 15th. Buttigieg is probably the best candidate and Kamala is the logical choice but sadly a gay man or a black woman would kill turnout and can not win a presidential election this year.
  15. They either replace him with a candidate they are all in lock step behind within the next 20 days, or they pray to god Biden has a COMPLETE 180 at the next debate. Otherwise Trump is president again.
  16. Bull fucking shit. Pete Buttigieg would be making Trump look like a foolish, feeble scumbag.
  17. Oh my god. This could not be going worse for Biden.
  18. Salazar is badass. Dude is gonna make a great backup C for the next half-decade.
  19. I agree that if the way Trump handled himself on that podcast was the way he handled himself all of the time, he would win this election in a landslide. I still disagree with almost all of the policy stances he described in that interview, and he still lied a lot, but he sounded rational and respectful. But the fact is, he only behaves in that controlled way about 5% of the time. The other 95% of the time, he’s a fucking lunatic exposing himself as a blatant lying racist grifter criminal who is willing to destroy the country in service of his ego and pocketbook.
  20. 2020 with Georgia and NC swapping would not surprise me at all.
  21. Yeah I’m not sure where JV’s head is at, but he should really be doing everything he can to get that option to vest. The open market will not be great to him coming off a mediocre injury filled season in his 40s. Astros can’t sell with how well they’re playing, but if they did, this is not a bad deal, if the Phillies covered 50% of Castellanos’ contract for 2025 and 2026. Miller/Abel/Caba are elite prospects.
  22. Only 2 things could happen to make this debate meaningful: 1. A McConnell-esque elderly moment that makes it a dominant headline. 2. A physical altercation. Nothing else will really sway any voters. Trump could say the N word, openly admit to various crimes, or walk off the stage in the middle of the debate, and not one voter’s mind is changing. Biden can mumble or stutter or curse, or get lost walking onto the stage, and nobody’s mind is changing. Short of one of them having a senior moment that undeniably proves they are unfit for office, or the two of them actually physically fighting (in which case whoever “wins” the fight will win the election), this debate is meaningless. It is fucking pathetic how little policy actually matters to the electorate and it’s sad that the odds of the 2 things listed happening are so high.
  23. I could see Rubio being Trump’s Sec of State pick. Hard to see him being VP.
  24. From the replies: “I’m running out of places to shop.” You’re getting close, fuckface. LOOK INWARD.
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