It’s crazy to me that someone with multiple bankruptcies on their resume was ever a viable candidate for president, much less actually elected. That may be at the top of the list of things that should have been a disqualifying factor for voters. Forget that his primary role in society was as a reality game show host, forget all the shit he had said and done that made it clear he was sexist and racist, forget all the aspects of his personal life that made it clear he was not a person of decent moral character and certainly not someone to hold up as an example of family values, forget that he had zero prior experience in government or military or even really leading a business in a role that might somehow approximate a qualification to be president. Just knowing “this motherfucker owned several business that ended up Chapter 11” should have been, on its own, MORE THAN ENOUGH for people to wholly reject his candidacy. I will never get over what a horrible reflection his election was on our society.